


The Policies toward Ethnic Chinese of Republic of Vietnam (1955-1964)




黃宗鼎(Chung-Ting Huang)


越南共和國 ; 華人政策 ; 同化 ; Republic of Vietnam ; Policies toward ethnic Chinese ; Assimilation




11期(2007 / 03 / 01)


189 - 249






It was the period of 1955-1963 when Ngo Dinh Diem, the first president of the Republic of Vietnam (ROV), had found a set of policy toward ethnic Chinese. To make a comprehensive survey, the policies during the period of ROV could be sum up into three main dimensions such as ”making locally born ethnic Chinese to acquire the nationality of ROV according to laws,” ”making discriminatory policies to compel Huaqiao (Chinese nationals residing abroad) to change their nationalities,” and ”transforming the society of Huaqiao into the one of Vietnamese of ethnic Chinese by a reconstruction of social system.” The so-called ”making locally born ethnic Chinese to acquire the nationality of ROV according to laws,” means the Saigon government compartmentalized the boundary of nationalities between ROC and ROV through launching nationality laws. The so-called ”making discriminatory policies to compel Huaqiao to change their nationalities,” means the Saigon government tried to transform the ethnic Chinese into citizens of ROV through kinds of compelling measures. Last, the so-called ”transforming the society of Huaqiao into the one of Vietnamese of ethnic Chinese by a reconstruction of social system,” means the procession that the Saigon government intended to assimilate ethnic Chinese essentially, reversed the Huaqiao consciousness and the culture identity. The author would like to probe into characteristics and factors of ROV's policies toward ethnic Chinese though discussions of the above three main dimensions.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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