


Improving the Hemoglobin Conformity Rate Among Peritoneal Dialysis Patients




張簡綉雯(Hsiu-Wen Chang Chein);闕淑能(Shu-Neng Chueh);黃小倩(Hsiau-Chien Hwang)


貧血 ; 鐵質缺乏 ; 治療流程 ; 腹膜透析 ; anemia ; iron-deficiency ; treatment protocol ; peritoneal dialysis




15卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


39 - 52




本專案主要目的為提升腹膜透析病人血色素符合標準比率。本腹膜透析中心統計2012年3月平均血色素僅為8.7 g/dL,病人血色素達美國食品管理局(FDA)建議標準≧10 g/dL以上,僅約佔49.1%。專案小組為提升腹膜透析病人血色素,分析主要原因為:缺乏腹膜透析病人貧血治療流程和鐵劑建議使用規範、鐵劑使用的遵從性低、慢性出血、血中白蛋白質不足、紅血球生成素的作用認知錯誤、未按時注射紅血球生成素。專案小組提出改善方案如下:(1)定期舉辦透析病人改善貧血團體護理指導(2)制訂鐵劑建議使用規範(3)制訂腹膜透析病人貧血治療和轉介流程。方案執行4個月後,腹膜透析病人平均血色素由8.7 g/dL提升至10.2 g/dL,達標準比率佔65.3%,達到本專案目標值10 g/dL以上,顯示本專案有具體成效。


This project aims to improve the percentage of peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients with hemoglobin levels that conform to institutional standards. In our PD center, only 49.1% of patients had hemoglobin levels ≧ 10 g/dL and the average hemoglobin levels was only 8.7 g/dL, which lower than the value of 10 ~ 11 g/dL recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We speculated that the main reasons of low hemoglobin level included iron deficiency, low consumption of high-iron content foods due to a lack of knowledge, chronic bleeding without treatment, and inadequate protein intake. This program therefore sought to improve anemia in PD patients through the following measures: (1) holding regular group education sessions; (2) developing a set of recommendations on iron supplements; (3) development of a treatment protocol for anemia. Four months after the program was implemented, the average hemoglobin levels of our PD patients increased from 8.7 g/dL to 10.2 g/dL, and 65.3% of the PD population reached our original target of 10 g/ dL or higher. In conclusion, this anemia-improving project showed positive and encouraging results, and merits further investigation.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 內科
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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