The prevalence of nephropathy in Taiwan is highest in the world and the national health insurance care system provides a "pre-ESRD preventive and patient health program" to slow the progress of chronic kidney disease. The non-completion rate of the "National Health Insurance pre-ESRD health education program" in 2010 in my unit was 19.6% so a task force was set up. The identified issues included the lack of a reminder mechanism, inflexible health education schedule, a lack of patient motivation for health education, a lack of the patient learning interest, and inadequate record-keeping by the health education program. The purpose of this project was to reduce the non-completion rate of health education program. We changed the process to remind the patient to take blood samples a week before visiting the clinic, offer more flexibility on health education time slots, provide diversified health education content, changed the model of health education to boost the patient's learning motivation and willingness, and modified the health education record-keeping process. After implementing these strategies, the non-completion rate of the health education program was reduced from 19.6% to 4.0% and the project target was achieved. The strategies in this project were therefore shown to be effective and worthy of widespread adoption.
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行政院衛生署(2011)。行政院衛生署(2011)‧100 年度全民健康保險 Pre-ESRD 預防性計畫及病人衛教計畫‧2010 年 12 月 29 日健保醫字第 0990013892 號公告。
衛生福利部中央健康保險署全球資訊網(2011)‧台灣透析相關數據‧取自 http://www.nhi.gov.tw/webdata/webdata.aspx?menu=17& menu_id=1027&webdata_id=4565