This article aims to apply exercise training to the care of a hemodialysis patient with physical and psychological problems caused by activity intolerance, fatigue and powerlessness. From April 1 to May 20, 2016, the author assessed the case via observation, in-depth interviews, physical examination, and medical records to collect information. The author identified health problems including activity intolerance/ hemodialysis treatment, gradual deterioration in health and lack of exercise, fatigue/ muscle cramps, sleep disorders and physical weakness, and powerlessness/ lack of control in life, low self-confidence. During the process of nursing care, a positive relationship was established through frequent contact, individual nursing activities conducted, and progressive exercise introduced to slowly increased physical energy. Internal resilience and external social support system were leveraged to encourage self-expression, reduce fatigue, and restore positive thinking. By enhancing the patient’s strength and confidence, this helped the patient overcome the sense of powerlessness and rediscover the meaning of life. The author hopes the care experience of a hemodialysis patient with activity intolerance, fatigue and powerlessness shared here can provide a useful reference to other nursing personnel in the care of similar patients.
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