


Experience of Caring for a Hemodialysis Beginner with Suicidal Behavior




吳佩珍(Pei-Chen Wu);陳欣毓(Xin-Yu Chen);吳麗敏(Li-Min Wu)


血液透析 ; 自殺 ; 體液容積過量 ; 營養少於身體所需 ; hemodialysis ; suicide ; body fluid excess ; malnutrition




16卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


42 - 55






This article discusses and posts the experience of caring a chronic kidney disease patient, who after receiving initial hemodialysis therapy, presented suicidal behavior due to sense of hopelessness from the disease and treatment. During patient care period from 2013 January 20 to March 16, the author used Gordon's eleven functional health patterns assessment techniques to collect data, including physical assessment, interviews, medical records, etc., From analysis, it was determined that the case subject had below health problems: (1) Self-mutilation (2) excess of fluid volume and (3) nutrition less than body requirements. During caring process, apart from providing active care, the author also gave careful attention and accepted the patient’s internal feelings and thoughts. Through assistance from family members, social support and interaction with other dialysis patients the author helped him to regain self-worth and self-confidence, and diminished his suicidal thoughts. Furthermore, individualized caring program was developed that included education on how to manage daily fluid intake, the use of self-monitoring body weight assessment form, suggested diet plan for hemodialysis treatment, to help in controlling/diminishing fluid excess during dialysis. By providing appropriate caring guidance together with dietitian’s advice to meet the nutritional needs, the case subject was able to adjust positively towards hemodialysis treatment and face the impact of disease, eventually rebuild self-confidence, regain hope and resume to a healthy lifestyle.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 內科
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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