This study aims to explore the nursing care experience for a patient who began receiving long-term hemodialysis treatment before even having the chance to execute his intended extended retirement plan. From September 1 to October 17 of 2015, the author collected data and developed mutual trust with the patient through physical assessment, observation, direct care, interviews and overall evaluation. During which the author found that the patient disliked the double lumen catheter as the hemodialysis treatment interrupted his overall plan, resulting in wound infection in the cannula site. In addition, the restrictions imposed on the patient, especially in diet, due to the hemodialysis treatment made the patient annoyed and reluctant to accept change, giving rise to adjustment issues related to hemodialysis. To make matters worse, the patient chose to avoid contacts with others including his relatives and friends as he was reluctant to let others know about his illness out of pride. The main problems with nursing include the potential risk of infection, non-compliance and social isolation. In response, the author showed proactive caring for the patient and established a good relationship with the patient to build trust while eliminating the patient's reluctance to the double lumen catheter by introducing the use of smart phones and colored flash cards to help the patient understand the process and learn to observe the wound at the cannula site to prevent infection. On the other hand, the author made efforts to explain to the patient the discomfort arising from hemodialysis and designed a water intake log sheet to maintain effective control of the patient's water intake and weight. Furthermore, the author utilized interactions between grandson and grandfather to solve the problem of strong self-pride while introducing patients with similar diseases to help the patient in this case take the initiative to contact with his relatives and friends. All of the above efforts were made to guide the patient to find the value of self-existence and help him adapt to the disease so that he could embrace family and society again. In view of this nursing experience, it is recommendable that every health care worker should be more observant of patient's psychological changes, early referrals after problems are discovered and psychological support should be provided in time to correct the situation.
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衛生福利部中央健康保險署‧(2015 年 9 月)‧全民健康保險重大傷病證明實際有效領證統計表‧取自 http://www.nhi.gov.tw/Resource/webdata/15049_2_10503%E9%87%8D%E5%A4%A7%E5%82%B7%E7%97%85.pdf
衛生福利部統計處(2015 年 6 月 17 日)‧103 年國人死因統計結果‧取自 http://www.mohw.gov.tw/news/531349778