


Resilience and Related Factors Among Patients with Pre- End Stage Renal Disease




汪碧雲(Bi-Yun Wang);吳宏蘭(Hung-Lan Wu);張世沛(Shi-Pei Chang);劉紋妙(Wen-Miao Liu)


末期腎臟病 ; 復原力 ; 因應行為 ; 自我效能 ; end-stage renal disease ; resilience ; coping behavior ; self-efficacy




19卷1期(2020 / 06 / 01)


1 - 19






Background: Chronic kidney disease is an important health issue in Taiwan. If the disease is not well-controlled, it will lead to dialysis treatment for patients with uremia. However, there is little discussion on the resilience and related factors of this ethnic group in Taiwan. Purpose: To explore the resilience and related factors among patients with pre-ESRD stage renal disease. Methods: This was a cross-sectional correlation study. Target patients were in the pre- ESRD care program at a medical center in the Central District. The research tools consisted of demographic characteristics, Revised Ways of Coping checklist, chronic kidney disease self-efficacy instrument, and the Resilience scale. Result: A total of 201 patients who averaged 63.95 years of age and predominantly male were recruited. The result of the study showed that: (1) The overall patient had moderate resilience. (2) Monthly income status, kidney disease stage, problem-solving behaviors, and self-efficacy were predictive variables for resilience, and accounted for 58% of the total variation in resilience. Conclusion /Implications for Practice: Monthly income status, kidney disease stage, problem-solving behaviors, and self-efficacy were identified as the crucial predictive factors of resilience in pre-ESRD patients. CKD nursing staff should pay attention to the resilience and related factors of pre-ESRD patients. It is recommended that in-service education could incorporate resilience theory (such as resilience workshop) to provide nurses with communication skills in improving coping behaviors and self-efficacy among CKD patients, who then could effectively adapt positive strategies at home.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 內科
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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