


The Ethical Trend of China's Ancient Women's Image-Creates for the Centre with the Accomplished Lady of the Ming and Qing Dynasty




嚴明(Ming Yan)


中國文學中的女性形象 ; 女性文學的道德觀 ; 女性文學生態 ; The image of women in Chinese literature ; The moral concept of women's literature ; Women's literature ecology




2期(2004 / 05 / 01)


257 - 292




中國歷代女性文學創作中表現出了具有鮮明性別特色的道德精神觀念以及社會價值評價體系。本文分析了歷代女性文學形象道德精神的各種主要表現,比如以彰揚道義和維護正義為己任,對屈原精神的不同理解及特別偏愛,花木蘭現象的分析,對「負心郎」與「偽君子」的批判,對堅持真性情的悲劇英雄的推崇尊敬等等,從而探索中國女性文學道德傳統的本質。 本文還對歷代女性文學形象中的浪漫色彩進行了具體分析,發現歷代才女在對創作目標的追求、藝術形象的創造、藝術欣賞物件的選擇、對文學藝術功能的認同等方面,都與男性作者、讀者有著不同之處。 女性文學的浪漫往往表現為對美好理想執著的追求,這種精神追求經常不趨向於瀟灑和逍遙,而趨向於對現實生活細膩複雜的內心情感體驗,其結果卻往往是陷入淒涼和悲哀的境地而難以自拔。本文還分析了造成歷代女性文學創作中這種道德精神追求以及獨特的文學生態現象的主要原因,指出了中國女性文學創作中負重前行、堅守真情的優秀傳統對後來女性文學創作的深遠影響。


Demonstrate in China's past dynasties women's literary creation that appraise the system in the spiritual idea of morals with distinct sex characteristic and social value. Have analysed that various kinds of spiritual of morals of image of past dynasties women's literature behaves mainly in this text, For example make raise the morality and justice and safeguard justice clearly as one's own duty, different understanding and showing favouritism to very much to Qu Yuan's spirit, Flowers and trees blue the analyses of phenomena, at 'faithless my darlings' and the criticisms of 'hypocrite', to insisting real the tragedy the high praises of heroes of disposition respects and waits a moment, Thus probe the essence of Chinese women's literature with traditional morals. Have also made a concrete analysis of the romantic color in the past dynasties women's literature image in this text, Find that the past dynasties accomplished lady is to the pursuit, creation, the choice of the art appreciation things, recognizing the equal respect to literature and art function of the artistic image that create the goal, The difference had with man author and man reader. The oftenning shown as the bright ideal persistent pursuit correctly romantically of women's literature, The spirit pursue and trend graceful carefree frequently and trend and experience to actual life fine and smooth complicated hidden feelings, But its result is often in the condition that dreary and grieved and hard to extricate oneself. Have analysed even that leads to the fact these kind of morals spirit pursueing and main reason of the unique literature ecological phenomenon in the past dynasties woman's literary creation in this text, Walked, stood fast at the outstanding tradition of the true feelings to later on far-reaching influence of women's literary creation before pointing out that shouldered a heavy task in Chinese women's literary creation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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