


Illustration of "Yuan Nian Chun Wang Zheng Yue" in Chun Qi to Authenticate He Xiu's Thinking in Gua Qi




盧鳴東(Ming-Tung Lo)


繼天奉元 ; 春 ; 正月 ; 卦氣說 ; 陰陽合和 ; Ji Tian Feng Yuan繼天奉元 ; spring ; January ; Gua Qi Shuo卦氣說 ; Yin Yang He He陰陽合和




2期(2004 / 05 / 01)


73 - 103






He Xiu 何休 was a scholar of” Chun Qiu Gong Yang Zhuan” 春秋公羊傳 in Eastern Han Dynasty. Apart from devoting himself to interpret this ancient work, he also studied and annotated other works like ”Xiao Jing” 孝經, ”Lun Yu” 論語 etc., and one of these works was Feng Jiao Qi Fen 風角七分. Feng Jiao Qi Fen was a major component of ”Gua Qi”卦氣, and ”Gua Qi” was one of the chapters of Xiang-shu Yi 象數易 written during Western Han Dynasty. ”Gua Qi” explained the regular wax and wane of Yin Yang Er Qi 陰陽二氣 within a year in terms of ”Zhou Yi's” 周易 divinatory omen. Each divinatory omen represented a particular stage of the nature's growth and lasted for a fixed amount of time named ”Liu Re Qi Fen” 六日七分. In this regard, we could infer that ”Qi Fen” was a measurement unit for the duration of a divinatory phenomena. Though the annotation of He Xiu's Feng Jiao Qi Fen has long been scattered and lost and there is no way to understand his thinking through his original work, it is still reasonable to presume that He Xiu would have tried to explain Gong Yang with reference to Gua Qi as interpreting ”Zhou Yi” with reference to another ancient work was a popular way of study among Eastern Han Scholars. The following discussions will focus on the study of He Xiu's thinking in ”Gua Qi” through the annotations of ”Yuan Nian Chun Wang Zheng Yue” 元年春王正月 in ”Chun Qiu”春秋. This is not only a try to give an account of the influence of Xiang-shu Yi in the interpretation of Gong Yang, but also an alternative way to explore, under limited literary reference, He Xiu's thinking and philosophy from an ancient work other than Gong Yang..

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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