


The Origin of "Violent Conflicts among Various Categories" in Taiwan under Ching Government-with a Focus on the Concept of "Chi Categories" Proposed by Chu Hsi




林朝成(Chao-Cheng Lin);盧其薇(Chi-Wei Lu)


分類械鬥 ; 氣類 ; 朱子 ; 循吏 ; violent conflicts among various categories ; categories of qi ; Chu His ; Hsun-li Confucian instructive administrator




5期(2007 / 06 / 01)


133 - 171






One of the important issues in the study of the society and culture of Taiwan during the period under the ruling of Ching Government is ”Violent Conflicts among Various Categories,” or the conflicts among immigrants from various parts of China. In this paper, a philosophical investigation on the origin of this term will be made. ”The Division of Categories” can be traced to the Neo-confucianism popular in the Fujian area during the Ching Dynasty. It was rooted in the idea of ”categories of qi” proposed by Chu His, the utmost important Sung Dynasty Neo-confucian thinker. A detailed analysis of the concepts underlying the term ”violent conflicts among various categories” involves an examination of Chu His's ideas of ”qi” and ”categories of qi.” The idea ”categories of qi” came from Chu His's discussion of ancestor worship rituals in the family shrines, and expanded to his investigation of people in various parts of Chinese society. In this paper, the authors will also analyze related issues such as the relationships between ”qi” and ”categories of qi”, between ”categories of qi” and ”qizhi (disposition)”, between ”categories of qi” and ”local customs” in Chu His's thought. Both Chu His's philosophical writings and his discussion of the various categories of local culture types that he experienced during his seven years of administration in the Min, Zhe, and Gan areas will be drawn as the source of this paper as Chu His's ”categories of qi” is not only a philosophical idea but also a base of his policies for transforming local customs through education, ritual, and law in these areas.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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