


The Characteristics of Dai Xi's Daixi's Xu Lushi Jiashu Dushiji and Its Place in the History of the Learning of Shijing




黃忠慎(Chung-Shen Huang)


戴溪 ; 呂祖謙 ; 傳統詩經學 ; 新派 ; 舊派 ; Daixi ; Lu Zuqian ; traditional learning of Shijing ; new school ; old school




9期(2009 / 06 / 01)


49 - 89






Lu Zuqian's Lushi Jiashu Dushiji (A Record of Reading Shijing at the Home Teaching Place of the Lu's Family) is a representative work of the old school of the learning of Shijing in the Song Dynasty. Dai Xi wrote a supplementary work to Lu's work entitled A Complementary Work of Lu's A Record of Reading Shijing at the Home Teaching Place of the Lu's Family. Judging from the title of Daixi's work, the goal of Dai's work should be a supplement to, revision of or a further study of Lu's work. However, apart from sharing similar understanding in the approach of interpreting the Prefaces of the Shijing, there are substantial differences over the forms of writing and attitudes towards traditional interpretations in these two books. These differences made an important field of comparison in the connection and achievements of these two books. Current scholarship provides substantial understanding towards Lu Zuqian's learning of Shijing. However, special monograph on Dai's work has yet to come out. This paper not only studies the characteristics of Dai Xi in interpreting Shijing, it also puts Dai's work back to the historical context from which it grew out. It has also been compared with the representative works of both the old and the new schools in interpreting Shijing in the Song Dynasty. This paper identifies the fact that Dai Xi took a syncretistic position drawing ideas from both the old and the new schools. These two works do not have much in common in their essence. Daixi adopted a syncretistic position towards the two different approaches and perspectives in the old and the new schools. The disputes of the two schools did not appear in Dai's work, because in which these two schools co-existed in both form and content.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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