


From the Sovereign Thoughts of Wang Tang Nan to Deliberate on the Transformation of Study of Wang Yang Ming




侯潔之(Chieh-Chih Hou)


王塘南 ; 王時槐 ; 良知 ; 以性為宗 ; 江右王門 ; Wang Tang-nan ; Wang Shi-hua ; conscience ; sovereign thoughts ; Jianyou School




10期(2009 / 12 / 01)


151 - 185






In order to defy the popularity of later and decadent stage of the thought and illustrate itself from the rigidity of later studies on Wang Yang Ming about mind sovereignty, Tang Nan had placed the focus of ontology on natural essence, and he had structured meticulous system of thoughts upon it. First of all, he had reckoned the metaphysical and transcendent aspect of existence for independent discourse so that the elaboration of natural essence could be formally detached from the scope and domain sovereign to mind of Wang Yang Ming. As such, the significance of nature is no longer attached to mind so that it can be separated from mind system and turned into its own school of discourse. Besides, it has also obtained for itself the status as the original meaning. Externally, there are three of groundbreaking developments in terms of the administration of mind relationship: first, ”mind is law” is oriented to ”mind is free from internality and externality” and ”law is free from internality and externality;” second, it has changed the manner of mind-basis interpretation, and has embraced mind into the system of mind to help establish its endowment; third, mind is diverged into human mind and mind of Tao so as to demonstrate the contrasting relationship between natural essence and perceived awareness. It is through the objectivity of nature to emphasize that objective hierarch of psychological structure has naturally inherited the ethic criteria from heavenly principles, which can help to strengthen the serious bias of human mind towards unilateral development of self domination. As a result, it can effectively and powerfully discipline ”mind” within subjective inclination from slanting development towards radical approach without any limitation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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