


Self Restriction and Resisting Alienation: Modernism in Novels of the New Generation




侯作珍(Tzuoh-Jen Hou)


現代主義 ; 後現代主義 ; 新世代小說 ; 自我 ; 異化 ; 主體 ; Modernism ; postmodernism ; new generation novels ; selfhood ; alienation ; subject




10期(2009 / 12 / 01)


361 - 394




台灣現代主義文學在鄉土文學興起後的變化情形,是一個耐人尋味的問題。從某些角度看,現代主義在鄉土文學、後現代主義、後殖民研究等一波波新思潮的覆蓋下,似乎日趨式微,但也有學者認為現代主義並未被繼起的新思潮完全埋葬,而是持續存在並發揮一定程度的影響力。 本文企圖指出學界較少注意到的第三種情形,即現代主義和七○年代以後的某些思潮(如後現代主義)發生了某種有趣的混雜與結合。本文以九○年代後的新世代小說為觀察對象,從主題及技巧兩個方面探討現代主義和後現代主義混雜結合的情形。就主題而論,新世代小說中經常出現的兩個主題-自我困境之反思;異化問題及抵抗策略-其實和現代主義對於自我的關注與對異化壓迫的抵抗精神有許多交集。就技巧而論,新世代小說並未全然拋棄現代主義技巧,而是將之和後現代手法混用揉合。 本文認為,上述這種混雜結合的現象,顯示出新世代小說所具有的獨特且重要的意義。雖然學界一般認為,新世代小說多受後現代主義的影響,表現出一種迷失、虛無或遊戲的傾向,但如果從現代主義的角度切入解讀新世代小說,將可發現新世代小說雖然受到後現代主義的影響,但其作者並未盲目附和後現代主義對自我與主體的根本解構,而是努力為自我尋找新的出路,並未根本放棄對於某種主體性的深層信念。此外,新世代小說對於使自我破碎化的異化問題並非全然消極以對,而是採取了各種新策略進行抵抗(儘管這些抵抗可能顯得軟弱無力),這些特點均相當程度地呼應了現代主義的精神。然而新世代小說的現代主義是混合了後現代主義的一種雜匯的呈現,其主體和抵抗的力量相對微弱,這和其所處的社會背景有關,本文將對新世代與現代主義時期的作家做一比較,為其賦予客觀的評價。


The changes on Taiwan's modern literature after the emergence of nativist literature have always been an issue worthy of discussion. On the one hand, Taiwan's modern literature is losing momentum to new trends of thought such as nativist literature, postmodernism and postcolonial studies. On the other hand, some researchers believe that modernism is not fully buried by the new trends but instead is still existing and exerting certain influence. In this article, the author tries to highlight a third phenomenon that is less noticed by the academic world: modernism's mixture and integration with certain trends of thoughts that appeared after the 80's (such as postmodernism). This paper examines new generation novels that appeared in the 21st century, discussing the mixture and integration of modernism and postmodernism in terms of topics and techniques. The most common topics of new generation novels-self reflection on one's predicaments as well as alienation and the strategy to fight back-have a lot in common with the self awareness and resistance towards alienation and suppression shown in modernism. In terms of techniques, it is found that new generation novelists did not completely abandon techniques from modern literature but instead mix them into techniques of postmodernism. The author believes that the mixture and integration observed shows the uniqueness and importance of new generation novels. The academic world had always believed that in general, new generation novels are mostly influenced by postmodernism which infuse them with the tendency of going astray, showing emptiness and playfulness. Nonetheless, if we analyze new generation novels from a modernist point of view, it is easy to observe that authors did not just blindly echoes the postmodernist deconstruction of self and subject. Instead, authors were going through a painstaking process to find a new exit for oneself without losing their deep believes in certain issues or subjects. At the same time, regarding the alienation problem that has bean tearing apart one’s own values and believes, new generation novelists adopted all kinds of strategies aiming to fight back even though these attempts showed little effectiveness. These characteristics appropriately reflected the spirits of modernism. The modernism adopted by new generation novels is actually a mixed-form which is blended with postmodernism. In comparison, its strength of subjectivity and resistance is relatively weaker. This can be seen as a result of the social background it evolved in. This article will compare new generation authors with those from the period of modernism and provide an objective evaluation to both.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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