


Stop All the Nonsense-The Contrast, Transcendence and Dissolution of the Absurdities in "Dream of the Red Chamber"




侯迺慧(Nai-Huei Hou)


紅樓夢 ; 賈寶玉 ; 荒誕 ; 悲劇 ; "Dream of the Red Chamber" ; Jia Baoyu ; absurdity ; tragedy




14期(2011 / 12 / 01)


149 - 192






The last remark Baoyu had made when leaving Jia's Mansion was ”Leaving! I'm leaving! Stop all the nonsense! It's over.” The remark fully demonstrated that in Baoyu's mind, everything gorgeous in the Jia's Mansion was nothing but nonsense. In addition, a great deal of narratives and comments in the novel address such ”absurdity” of the worldly matters, which reflect the author's perspective and appreciation of the world. Such perspective on absurdity links closely with the theme of the novel, thereby exhibiting multi-layered connotations. The current paper aims to analyze the absurdity in Dream of the Red Chamber in four respects. First, the author exposes the absurdity of Baoyu's behaviors through the eyes of ordinary people around him, thus manifesting Baoyu's solitude and isolation in Jia's Mansion, a loner in the hilarious household. Second, the author accurately describes the distortion and estrangement of souls and the meaningless degradation and hypocrisy hidden under the glory, splendor and courteousness. The above two layers of absurdity are contrastive, and display the outward absurdity. Third, the author exhibits the absurdity by juxtaposing the original state of life and the mundane pursuit, through a series of plots showing the ambiguity of truth and falsehood the tragedies produced from deliberation and cunningness, resulting in Baoyu's becoming a monk. Fourth, the absurdity is viewed through the detachment of Baoyu; in other words, it is the absurdity of Baoyu that ironically leads him toward ultimate transcendence. Due to his sentimentality and clinging to love, he is more prone to melancholia and disillusionment than other people, which finally lead him to renunciation. Furthermore, the condemnation of worldly values easily relinquishes him of all the mundane pursuits, which renders him a free person able to concentrate on the very moment and embrace the vicissitude of the universe. Hence, Baoyu's absurdity, the first-layered absurdity, which comes from the eyes of ordinary people, dissolves.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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