


An Analysis on the Structure Selection of Chinese Characters through Traditional Character Dissembling




許學仁(Hsueh-Jen Hsu)


拆白道字 ; 六書 ; 文字離合 ; character disassembling ; six ways of constructing Chinese characters ; singling out and combination of characters




14期(2011 / 12 / 01)


193 - 216






In ancient China, during the play of creating metaphoric riddles, improvising verses while drinking wine, or in theater performance, disassembling Chinese characters into several parts had been a common game for literati. In his verse ”Two Hearts in Chorus,” Huang Ting-Jien disassembled the characters ”hou men” (好悶), meaning very vexed, as: ”You let a man stay beside a woman and have no idea how my heart twitched while left in the door.” The character ”hou” was combined by a woman (女) on the left and a man (子) on the right, and the character ”men” is a heart (心) under the double doors (門). In the novel The West Chamber, Hungnian described Changshen as: ”A person (人) stands by the word Hsiao (肖)” to suggest that she thought he was cute (俏). The playful use of disassembling or combining characters gives Chinese words rigorous life; the flavors they carry out are suggestive, but nevertheless restrained.Today people explain their last names by saying different parts of the characters, such as Li (立) and Zao (早) constitute Chang (章), Si (四) and Wei (維) constitute Chang (張), Ko (口) and Tien (天) constitute Wu (吳), Mao (卯), Jin (金) and Dao (刀) constitute Liu (劉), Three People (三人) and He (禾) constitute Qin (秦), and eight thousand woman ghosts (八千女鬼) constitute Wei (魏). They are convenient ways of taking characters apart but are not exactly the methods of tracing back to the origins and structures of characters according to the traditional ”Six Ways of Constructing Chinese Characters”, which considered the integral relations between the form of each part and the meanings of a character.This paper compares the changes of Chinese characters during their development and examines the mechanism of the singling out and combination of characters in order to look into the interest of disassembling Chinese characters that wittily makes them contain different connotations.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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