


Daonan and Huxiang-Analysis of the Process of the Principles in Zhu Xi's "Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books" (Sishu zhangju jizhu)




陳逢源(Feng-Yuan Chen)


朱熹 ; 四書 ; 道南之學 ; 湖湘之學 ; 理學 ; Zhu Xi ; The four books ; Daonan study ; Huxiang study ; the philosophy of principle (lixue)




15期(2012 / 06 / 01)


89 - 129






Yang Shi stood for feminineness, which became one of the Confucian systems, named Daonan, while Xie Liang-Zuo stood for virility, which became another of the Confucian systems, named Huxiang. These two systems were two of the most important academic schools of Confucianism in South Song Dynasty. Zhu Xi pursued his study from Daonan to Huxiang. In fact, he first understood esteem through tranquility and then subdued tranquility by esteem. In other words, he made the substance and skills (gongfu) reveal each other and accomplished the theory of skill through observing mind and substance in Confucianism. The beginning of Zhu's Confucian study is from Buddhism to Confucianism. The hybrid of these two isms established the foundation of Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao's academics, which was the fulfillment of Philosophy of Principle (lixue). Zhu not only assembled and marshaled the way of mind (xinfa) in these two systems attentively but also constructed the system of the Four Books step by step. A lot of Zhu's thoughts were kept in the ”Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books” (Sishu zhangju jizhu). As a result, we can discover the origin of Zhu's study and the orientation of his expansion through looking into the discourse of ordinance and reflection upon the principles in the ”Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books”.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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