


The Intertextuality between Li He's "Song of a Beauty Combing Her Hair" and the Poems of the Same Title




李佩璇(Pei-Hsuan Li)


李賀 ; 〈美人梳頭歌〉 ; 同題詩作 ; 互文關係 ; 文學史意義 ; Li He ; "Song of a Beauty Combing Her Hair" ; Poems of the same Title ; Intertextuality ; The Significance in the Context of Literary History




16期(2012 / 12 / 01)


147 - 181






This paper will deal with the intertextuality between Li He's ”Song of a Beauty Combing Her Hair” and the poems of the same title written after the Tang Dynasty. I will explore the significance of the aforesaid intertextuality in the context of Chinese literary history.As for the relationship of intertextuality, there are some similarities and differences between poems of the title ”Song of a Beauty Combing Her Hair.” First, the scenes in the poems of the title ”Song of a Beauty Combing Her Hair” are quite similar, but the motives of the act of combing hair vary. Secondly, while the most prominent images in Li He's poem are the lotus flower and the windlass, other poets usually use the image of the bird.I mainly have two arguments in this paper. First, the poets who respond to Li He's ”Song of a Beauty Combing Her Hair” imitate not only his title but also his poetics. In this sense, Li He's contribution to the tradition of ”Song of a Beauty Combing Her Hair” is more than creating a title. Secondly, if we situate these poems in the context of Chinese literary history, we can observe that the development of the theme of a combing-hair beauty shows both the transcending of and the returning to the tradition of ”Palace Style Poetry,” which objectifies the woman. In Li He's poem, the woman is represented as a ”subject” rather than an ”object” of the male gaze. In contrast, other poets who use the title of Li He's poem return to the tradition of ”Palace Style Poetry.” These poets depict the woman as an object, but they create new angles from which a woman is gazed by the man.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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