


Initiation, Process, and Completion-the Theory Construction about Zhou Ji's "Agenda of Studying the Ci Poetry from Four Writers"


佘筠珺(Yun-Jun She)


周濟 ; 學詞門徑 ; 詞史 ; 詞統 ; 寄託出入 ; Zhou Ji ; the agenda of studying Ci poetry ; the history of Ci poetry ; orthodox Ci poetry ; the allegory from going in till out




17期(2013 / 06 / 01)


137 - 170






In Zhou Ji’s foreword to his Selected Ci Poetry from Four Writers in Sung Dynasty, he suggested an agenda of studying the ci poetry. His method began with Bi-Shan, passing through Meng-Chuang and Jiaxuan, and concluded with Qing-Zhen. What’s the significance of the agenda of studying ci poetry? What’s Zhou’s theoretical premise? How did the four writers come to be exemplary figures? What’s the implication by the order of the four writers? These issues haven’t been satisfactorily addressed to date.As a result, this paper begins with a discussion of Chang ci poetry schools; their creative consciousness, aesthetics, and the orthodox of ci poetry are explored. In fact, the agenda of studying the ci poetry is constructed from Zhou’s theories about the history of ci poetry and the style of individual author. Hence we arrive at an understanding of Zhou’s renovation of Chang ci poetry schools: by proposing an agenda of studying ci poetry, Zhou enriched the idea of the orthodox of ci poetry. He authorized canonical texts and stressed the practical advantages of learning and inheriting them. Finally, this paper investigates ”the agenda of the North and South Song ci poetry ”and the reciprocal effect of them, thus finds the degrees of ”the agenda of studying the ci poetry from four writers.” Marked by degrees in content and technique, the agenda represented the process that began with hard effort and concluded with sprezzatura.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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