


The Origin, Contents, and Method of Kang Youwei's Authentication of the "Mao Poem"


陳文采(Wen-Tsai Chen)


康有為 ; 詩經 ; 辨偽學 ; 晚清今文經學 ; Kang Youwei ; the Book of Songs (Shi-Jing) ; authentication study ; New Text Confucianism in the late Qing dynasty




17期(2013 / 06 / 01)


177 - 211






During the late Qing dynasty, Kang Youwei (1859-1937) conducted a research on the ”Book of Songs” through adopting the results from the previous authentication studies by previous scholars. He attempted to refer to those results and build a new structure based on different versions of the ”Book of Songs” to authenticate the contents of the ”Mao Poem”. Furthermore, he also elucidated the underlying meanings of the contents of the ”Book of Songs” with the influence of reform movement. Hence, critics of Kang Youwei can be divided into two following categories: Those who deliberately ignore the historical meanings of Kang Youwei's accomplishment and those who value it.This study is based on the following dimensions:1. The authentication process and various versions of the ”Book of Songs”, as well as manuscripts developed from the ”Book of Songs”2. The origin and revision of the authentication process of the ”Mao Poem”3. ”A Study on the Forgeries of the New Text” as a foundation to discuss the contents of the ”Mao Poem”4. The methods of authenticating the ”Book of Songs”The abovementioned dimensions are the fundamentals for reviewing the origin, contents, and method of Kang Youwei's authentication of ”Mao Poem”. This review is conducted through explaining the academic and historical meanings of the authentication.In general, the contents of Kang Youwei's authentication study of the ”Mao Poem” possessed a certain degree of complexity and presented a total disagreement on that work. From the perspective of the classic interpretation, Kang Youwei deconstructed the contents of the ”Mao Poem” through the act of authentication and then classified it as a traditional culture. However, the logic behind Kang's authentication process was perfunctory. Furthermore, a contradiction was also found in his authentication method and hence the results of his analyses have diverged from the historical impact and academic context. Therefore, this study proposed that researchers should not confuse historical interpretation with academic one, or even discuss both together from the same perspective. Overall, Kang Youwei had vigorously elucidated the ”Mao Poem” in a holistic perspective that had given early researchers of the ”Book of Songs” psychological and evidential fundamentals that embraced the vivid quintessence of that period.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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