


"Chuanqi" in Mid-Tang Age and the Spirits of Literati: An Interpretation of "Form" in Cultural View


羅珮瑄(Pei-Hsuan Lo)


中唐傳奇 ; 士人 ; 文體 ; 追憶 ; 補過 ; "Chuanqi" ; Mid-Tang Age ; Literati ; Form ; Remembrance ; Reparation




20期(2014 / 12 / 01)


127 - 161






Research of chuanqi傳奇 (Tang Tales) in modern academia initiated from Lu Xun魯迅, Wang Bijiang汪辟彊, and Chen Yinke陳寅恪 respectively providing a list of Chinese canons that represents their academic background / training. Within the recent fifty years, scholars basically follow the frameworks Lu, Wang, and Chen set up and continuously supplement and deliberate them, and debate with each other with the surmise. However, many questions still require more detailed exploration. For example, how to define "Chuanqi"? What generic qualities does "Chuanqi" possess? What is the interactions among the movement of ancient-style prose, the civil service examination, society and the literati's communities? As a new form, what are the influences from culture and the era it belongs to? This paper starts with the idea of knowledge -building of Chinese literary history in early modern period. I would like to argue that in the Mid-Tang, based on "remembrance" and "reparation," the literati group led by Yuan Zhen元稹 and Bai juyi白居易 developed the narrative structure through joining banquets during the days and chatting in the nights; those features shape the typical Chuanqi in the Mid-Tang. Secondly, Han Yu韓愈 and Liu Zongyuan's柳宗元writing ancient-style prose by means of techniques of chuanqi should be understood as an experiment of cross-genre. From the perspective of cultural history, the rise of the generic experiment attests vicissitudes in the history and the appearance of a new form manifests changes of its age as well as the authors' minds. In other words, the theory of genres/forms is not only about the ways that how literature and art demonstrate but also dialogues among authors, readers, and literary works during certain time and space in the history.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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