Cheng Ying-Shu is the "Queen of Darkness" of the new generation of Taiwanese writers. She is an expert in using exaggerating humor to express the modern absurd environment and writing about themes of absurdity. In her novels, violence has always been the common and puzzling element. The comic violence in her early works and the cruel aesthetic of violence in her late works made the violent narratives of Cheng's novels unique and worthy of further research. Therefore, this paper intends to explore the relationship between the violence and the absurd situations of characters, the highlight of themes of absurdity, the presentation and role of violence, and the meaning of violent narrative. These questions will be the keys in understanding the themes of absurdity and violence in Cheng's novels. In addition to exploring the connotations of the violence narratives in Cheng's novels, this article points out the contradictions within her thought. Clarifications of the connections of Cheng's theme of absurdity to both modernism and post-modernism, thus the positioning of her works, are also undertaken.