


Sing Our Own Song: The Youthful Cultural Interactions between Singapore Ballads and Taiwan Modern Folk Song Movement


徐蘭君(Lan-Jun Xu)


臺灣民歌運動 ; 校園文化 ; 新謠 ; 流行音樂 ; 華人身份認同 ; 大陸校園民謠 ; 青春 ; Taiwan Folk Song Movement ; Campus Culture ; xinyao ; Pop Music ; Chinese Identity ; Mainland China's Campus Folk Songs ; Youth




21期(2015 / 06 / 01)


201 - 229






In the late 1970s, Taiwan had witnessed the rise of a so-called "Folk Song Movement." It spread to Singapore and mainland China in the 1980s and ignited similar waves of musical movements in these two countries. The paper aims to investigate how this unique form of musical culture permeated and developed in these regions, how it interacted with local campus culture (in China, the developed mainly took place in universities while in Singapore, it was mainly in high schools with a Chinese education tradition, such as Hwa Chong Junior College) and how it communicated with local musical industry and mainstream ideologies. In Singapore, the movement from Taiwan directly triggered the birth of xinyao in the early 1980s and through which an important resources of constructing "Chineseness" was created. In the 1990s, the "campus folk song" in mainland China was more a distinctive mark of campus youth culture. Using these two case studies, the paper will analyze and contrast the interregional movement of Taiwanese musical culture in East Asia and its interactions with the musical cultures in other places in the region.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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