


On Historical Narratives of Yuan Ye's Annals of Emperor Xian of Han


陳俊偉(Jun-Wei Chen)


漢末群雄 ; 人物書寫 ; 史傳文學 ; 雜史雜傳 ; 袁曄《獻帝春秋》 ; Warlords in Late Han Dynasty ; Narratives of Characters ; Historical- Biographical Literature ; Unofficial History ; Annals of Emperor Xian of Han




23期(2016 / 06 / 01)


63 - 100






Annals of Emperor Xian of Han was authored by a Wu people Yuan Ye, and was classfied as "ancient history" in Biblography of The Book of Sui. It has been widely criticized for its fatal fallacies by scolars ever since Pei Songzhi did. Despite its willful writing and narratives far beyond the strict standard of historical truth, it’s worth readers while excavating deeper into its inner motifs of history: the tendency of exceeding self-originating; suggesting political stances intentionally or otherwise. The historical data themself reveal the abundance of literariness by applying biographical narrative techniques, such as dipicting people through amount of dialogues; and to profile individuals’ characters, it puts people in urgent situations repeatly, and records their reactions. In addition, the text is rather hostile to Cao Cao, the practical founding lord of states. Moreover, it depicts Cao’s major opponent, Yuan Shao, in postive perspectives, which is marginal comparing to the dominating historical viewpoints of Wei, Jin. It does not merely reflect the fact that conflicts between Three Kingdoms did affect contemporary narratives, also does it bring up a argument that although the perspectives in the text are way different from others, and might be confined to one’s horizon and affiliation, however, these kinds of historical works elaborate and mark the spirit of "pity for those defeated" and "recording for reminding". Above all, it’s not to figure out then that Annals of Emperor Xian of Han is certainly valuable in both historical and literal field.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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