


On-Site Research on Eight Battle Diagrams in Kuizhou


簡錦松(Chin-Sung Chien)


夔州 ; 諸葛亮 ; 八陣圖 ; 現地研究 ; Kuizhou ; Zhuge Liang ; Eight Battle Diagrams ; on-site research




24期(2016 / 12 / 01)


107 - 156






Scholars can tackle one object from different perspectives. Since legend has it that Zhuge Liang built the Eight Battle Diagrams on the stony shoal in the south of Yong’an Palace, Kuizhou, many celebrities in the following dynasties visited it. Different from various sayings about it from the perspectives of military science, folklore, and culturology, this paper, from the perspective of on-site research, will lead the readers to the stony shoal where the Eight Batalle Diagrams is located and make the discussion in terms of the real mountains and rivers.Firstly it displays the data of the Diagrams measured by myself with GPS, and the panoram of it drawn with satellite map and 1/100000 topographic map. Secondly, based on it this paper achieves the legendly original appearance of the Digrams, and introduces the visitors from different dynasties. Of them like Huan Wen (312-373), Li Yisun (785-804), once mentioned the location of the Digrams on the shoal. Concerning the existence of the stone plies, these famous visitors’ sayings are not true according to the their descriptions except Huan Wen whose record of it is not available now. Finally, I, by analysis of the historic record of the war between Wu (229-280) and Shu (221-263) and the field conditions, think that Zhuge Liang might made military enforcement on the shoal in order to defense Wu’s attack on the Yong’an Palace after crossing the Yangtze River.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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