


Lyrical Poet of the Digital Era: Wen-Wei Xu's Poetry Creative Process and Text Analysis


王文仁(Wen-Jen Wang)


1960世代 ; 須文蔚 ; 抒情傳統 ; 學院派詩人 ; 1960s ; Wen-Wei Xu ; lyrical tradition ; academicism writer




24期(2016 / 12 / 01)


225 - 268






Amongst the poets from the 1960s, Wen-Wei Xu (1966-) who is often given the title as the "Digital Poet" is one of the avant-garde experimenters of digital poetry creation in the Chinese world. Further observing his creations, it is not hard to see that digit is merely one of the nutrients for him, but more are rather derived from survey towards life evolving process, the gaze at history and reality, as well as the observation of lyrical traditions. At present, his creative process may be divided into three phases: the 1st phase was prior to 1996 when the "Trip" was published. These works demonstrated the author’s observations and writings towards interpersonal relationships, historical perspectives and life topics at the age of 30. The 2nd phase was the years between 1997 and 2003, which concentrated on digital poetry creations. The majority of the works from this period used the internet as the carrier, with the assistance of relevant internet literature discussions to become the strong and powerful avant-garde experiment. The 3rd phase began in 2003 and has continued until the present, where he devotes himself to the thoughts of Chinese lyrical tradition, in which he attained the splendid creative results and relevant poetry aesthetics discussions in "Magic Cube".

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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