


Conceptual Metaphor Analysis of Daoist Container Metaphors: A study of the Liezi’s metaphors of "mound" (丘) and "pot" (壼)


陳寅清(Yin-Ching Chen)


概念隱喻 ; 容器意象基模 ; 《列子》 ; 道家寓言 ; 神話地理 ; Conceptual Metaphor ; Container Image Schema ; Liezi ; Daoist Parables ; Mythic Geography




24期(2016 / 12 / 01)


29 - 60






Daoist writings are highly metaphorical and imagistic, and is therefore considered by foreign readers the most difficult to grasp among the texts of Chinese thought. From the perspective of contemporary conceptual metaphor theory, the article looks into the container metaphors of "mound" (丘) and "pot" (壼) in the Daoist classic of Liezi. According to conceptual metaphor theory, humans often view things, including themselves, as containers with an inside and an outside. Moreover, the gate or pivot that connects the inside and the outside also imply significant meanings. Through analyzing the Liezi’s container metaphors, this article expounds Daoist cosmology and meditation theories, and proposes further research aspects in the area of Chinese studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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