


Two Hermitry Paradigms in Historical-Biographical Narratives -Taking Biography of Hermits by Fan Ye, Biography of Hermitism by Shen Yueh as Research Objects


盧桂珍(Kuei-Chen Lu)


隱逸敘事 ; 范曄 ; 沈約 ; 自我強化 ; 自我救贖 ; hermitism biography ; Fan Ye ; Shen Yueh ; self-reinforcement ; self-redemption




24期(2016 / 12 / 01)


61 - 105






"Hermitism" can be regarded as a kind of cultural symbol characterized by refusing to be an official and featured with noble and unsullied characteristics. The historical biography takes "Hermitism" as narrative subject, which is contributing to the symbolization of "Hermitism". The cultural symbols are formed in the dynamics and go through changes and practices. The hermitism symbols underwent a remarkable transformation during the Six Dynastic and this research has shifted the focus from "To Undertake Politics or to Live Reclusively" to which is paid extensive attention to the reclusive narratives in the biographies by Fan Ye and Shen Yueh to analyze the latent polyphonic structures within them. The so-called polyphonic structures herein refer to the consciousness and emotions deep down the historians apart from the character images and features delivered literally. This research analyzed the personality traits of historians by starting with the Perspective of History along with the complexes, shadow, persona and other angles. According to the research, the reclusive narratives of Fan Ye are serving as self-reinforcement while those by Shen Yueh are functioning as self-redemption. The consciousness and emotions behind the texts make the focuses of historians on the hermitism traits varying, from which two narrative paradigms in historical biographies are developed. This research is beneficial for clarifying the concrete transformation contents with respect to hermitism symbols during Six Dynasty, which has become a way for most people to settle down their bodies and souls.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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