


Looking for a Road on the Move: On Dialogue and Imagination of the Environmental Consciousness in Ka-shiang Liu’s Hong Kong Writing


黃宗潔(Tsung-Chieh Huang)


劉克襄 ; 四分之三的香港 ; 虎地貓 ; 移動性 ; 環境意識 ; Ka-shiang Liu ; Three-Quarters Hong Kong ; Earth-Hold Cats ; mobility ; environmental consciousness




25期(2017 / 06 / 01)


203 - 228






This paper investigates Ka-shiang Liu's works such as Three-Quarters Hong Kong and Earth-Hold Cats, works which feature Liu's mountain hiking and field working in Hong Kong as well as his observing and recording of Hong Kong. In his impressionistic strokes of the city, Liu often takes Taiwan as a point of reference. Not only does such a "city-to-city" mode of looking connect otherwise unfamiliar cultural contexts and create a space for dialogue by contrasting one city with the other, but it also commences a process of rethinking and rediscovering. Nowadays, Hong Kong has entered an era of "great acceleration" and is faced with environmental changes such as land development and urban renewal. Given thus, records and reminiscences of (about to be) disappearing landscape have recently become an important topic in Hong Kong. How does Liu, as "an intervening bystander" who observes Hong Kong and experiences Taiwan, convey meaning and exert influence with his attitudes and actions? This paper takes its tack from the perspective of "mobility," pursuing how movement can serve as a means of transgressing, resisting as well as innovating. Moreover, despite the fact that contrasting two cities has become a more and more common practice of environmental writing in both Hong Kong and Taiwan and that this practice serves the purpose of making up the difference between cities and complementing each other, the identity of "an imagined community" assumed under such a practice is often colored by an overly romanticized observation or inference-an assumption which diverges from the cultural uniqueness and nuance cultivated in both cities respectively. To dissect this assumption, this paper follows Liu's Hong Kong writing and analyzes the potential blind spots in such a romanticized mode of reference. In doing so, it aims to take the terrain-crossing experience as a starting point for engaging in dialogue on the one hand, and on the other hand it seeks to find a point of view which looks more closely into the texture of local context.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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