


How does One Describe Dao-The Relationship Between Language, Silence and Dao in Zhuang-Zi


許從聖(Tsung-Sheng Hsu)


《莊子》 ; 卮言 ; 道言 ; 言說方式 ; 體道經驗 ; Zhuang-Zi ; Goblet words ; Dao language ; Mode of Language ; Experiencing of Dao




28期(2018 / 12 / 01)


37 - 70






In describing a Dao practitioner, Zhuang-Zi points out that self practice and the use of language has a corresponding relationship. From Zhuang Zi's seemingly interchangeable dualistic and complimentary relationship between "speaking" and "not speaking", to the quiet tranquility of forgetting language and ceasing discussion, and finally to a state of mind where one knows the use of silence and language, thus Zhuang -Zi uses our day to day existence to express the practice of Dao. This paper uses " Zhuang-Zi Qi Wu Lan " as the focal point in discussing this topic. In the first section I discuss how Zhuang-Zi systematically illustrates the distinction between types of linguistic debate and its relationship to actualizing Dao. In the process, I clarify that the "Spoken Dao" or the "Dao of Language "transcends the duality in language and one's blind partiality. In the next section I explain the relationship between modes of language and self practice. I detail how Zhuang-Zi uses "non-language", "forgetting language" and "ridding of language" as a way of practicing Dao that emphasizes transcending language. I then show that Zhuang Zi's "actualized language", "language of Dao" and "goblet words" serve as the maturation and goal of this practice. In the final section I concretely elucidate that the perfect practice of the "language of Dao" is not only unspoken but also requires language to describe the true meaning of Dao, thus simultaneously merging "not speaking" with linguistic argumentation to form the idea of the "Simultaneous practice of silence and language".

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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