
【學苑春秋】華語語系文學,世界華文文學,華人華文文學-中國大陸學界對華語語系文學(Sinophone literature)主張的肯定與批判


Sinophone Literature, World Chinese Literature, and Overseas Chinese-Language Literature-Mainland Responses on the Sinophone Literature Discourse


金惠俊(KIM Hyejoon);梁楠


華語語系 ; 華語語系文學 ; 華文文學 ; 世界華文文學 ; 中國大陸文學 ; 華人華文文學 ; Sinophone ; Sinophone literature ; Chinese literature ; world Chinese literature ; mainland Chinese-language literature ; overseas Chinese-language literature




29期(2019 / 06 / 01)


301 - 331






In mainland China, scholars have been keeping an eye on the development of Sinophone literature discourse, with some expressing more direct interest in it. Many mainland scholars find the notion of Sinophone literature valuable in the way that it can potentially offer fresh academic vantage points, mobilize interdisciplinary methodologies, provide transnational perspectives, develop conversations of the international academic field beyond China, and make theoretical contribution to global literature studies. At the same time, however they often take much more critical stances toward the arguments produced from the Sinophone literature discourse. Most criticism is focused on the way Shu-mei Shih counterposes Sinophone communities (or overseas Chinese) with mainland China. Also, they argue against Shih's literary interpretations based on ideas like 「against diaspora」, 「anti-Sino-centrism」, 「internal colonialism」, and 「settler colonialism」. Mainland scholars identify Shih's argument as a separatist one that sets the mainland and Taiwan apart, essentially a vestige of Cold War ideology. Moreover, they do not limit their criticism to the argument itself, but extend to conditions of reasoning. They object that it is a case of simple application or misappropriation of postcolonial theory, minor literature theory, and other Western theories to the Chinese and the oversea Chinese problematics. Although these criticisms are justifiable, some of them are rather unnecessarily excessive. Meanwhile, it is rarer to find mainland scholars making exclusively criticism against David Der-Wei Wang's argument and reasoning. The scarcity can probably be traced from the fact that Wang's argument has many overlaps with those of the mainland scholars, as well as the way his argument highlights the possibility and the need for productive conversations. However, this does not indicate that there are no criticisms against Wang's argument. In fact, mainland scholars challenge the way Wang translates the term 「Sinophone」 to 「Huayu Yuxi (華語語系)」. Also, they are wary of the possibility that Wang comprehends the politics between mainland Chinese and the Sinophone community (which includes internally the ethnic minorities and other communities that do not align with PRC nationalism, and externally, the Taiwanese, Hong Kong, Macau, and Overseas Chinese) as domestically a repressive one and externally an imperial project. Even when political stances are set aside, Sinophone literature scholars and mainland scholars have substantial differences in the way they view literature itself. The differences stand out most sharply in how they understand Chinese literature (mainland Chinese-language literature, Taiwanese literature, Hong Kong literature, Macau literature) and overseas Chinese-language literature. Mainland scholars tend to maintain the Sino-centric (or mainland-centric) perspectives, whereas those arguing for Sinophone literature understand Sinophone literature as an independent and autonomous sphere, which ultimately is unrelated or at least on an equal playing field with Chinese (or mainland Chinese-language) literature. It might as well be said that such disagreement in how each define and categorize Chinese literature and overseas Chinese-language literature signifies the most revealing differences between Sinophone literature scholars and the mainstream mainland scholars. Despite apparent disagreement, one must not overlook their commonalities or similarities. They both attach great importance to linguistic element (Chinese/Hanyu/Huayu), as well as the interpretation of the Sinophone literature(or world Chinese literature)'s relationship with mainland China. Regardless of their political stances or intention, this tendency can lead to perhaps not the most desirable effect: they might end up producing an imagined community that exceeds China as political being or historical/ cultural being, namely, 「the grand Sino-community」. It is imperative that Sinophone literature scholars make serious consideration of both their own arguments and the insights that have emerged from the mainland scholars' criticisms. That is, instead of confining the concept of Sinophone literature to examination of its relationship with China, the concept can be mobilized to discuss its relationship with residence, Eurocentrism (Westcentrism), and most significantly, the transnational migrant literature. Only then the Sinophone literature as a critical theory can make crucial contribution to reshaping the Eurocentric tenor of the World literature conversation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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