


Used the Qi's cogitation to describe the expectation of contemporary politics-The Interpretation of the Ren Jian Shi by the Modern New Zhuangzi view


劉鐔靖(Tan-Ching Liu)


氣思維 ; 莊子 ; 當代莊學 ; 政治自由 ; 漢娜.鄂蘭 ; Qi's ; Zhuangz ; Modern New Zhuangzi ; political freedom ; Hannah Arendt




29期(2019 / 06 / 01)


49 - 80






The Modern New Zhuangzi researchers who use Qi and Bodily perspective to annotate Zhuangzi philosophy. The theory of Qi carries out and confirm the diversified values of Body-Qi Subject, restarting the implied philosophical criticism and the interpretation of its positive meaning in Zhuangzi. "Qi theory" construct the "Body-Qi Subject" and the subject is also based on "Qi's thinking" . ("Qi's thinking" is the logic of using Qi and is different from Qi theory.) "Qi's thinking" and "Qi theory" also have affirmative pluralistic values, using this thinking to provide a solution to the difficult political problems. Compared with the Spiritual Subject's which interpret self-spiritual realm, the Qi's thinking confers on the criticism of the text. This article is based on "Ren Jian Shi", focusing on the chapters which talked about politics in "Zhuangzi". With the achievement which are researched by contemporary Zhuang scholars, the author uses the "Qi's thinking" to explain the context. There are many similarities in politics with Hannah Arendt. Arendt's thought can also be supplemented as author's meaning about the contemporary politics. The concept of "Qi thinking" adds into the opinion of this text not only reveals the possibility of affirmation of the diversity values, but also integrates with Arendt's thinking to outline the political expectation of "political freedom" maybe implied in this text. Therefore, the article is divided into three parts to interpret following context. First, "Qi thinking in the political field". In this part, we will talk about the conflict in the political field of the text, and the text refers to neither reject politics nor compromise. That is, "Qi thinking." The second part is "action of politics". Talking about the value critique inside the text, using the binary text critique of value exist in the text to discuss Qi thinking in the political action which open the affirmative interpretation of multiple values. The third part, "Imaginative Expectations: Political Freedom". Opening the pluralistic value by Qi thinking which becomes as the action of politics, and finally concludes that the text perhaps expect "the political freedom" for political imagination.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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