


An Analysis on the Modi's Classics Studies: A Discussion focusing on Xian Qin Jing Xue Shi By Cheng Yuan-min


李洛旻(Lok-Man Lee)


程元敏 ; 先秦經學史 ; 墨子 ; 經學 ; 六藝 ; Cheng Yuan-min ; Xian Qin Jing Xue Shi ; Mozi ; Confucian Studies ; Chinese Classics




30期(2019 / 12 / 01)


53 - 93






A monograph Xian Qin Jing Xue Shi authored by Cheng Yuan-min has a thorough introduction about the initial period of Chinese Classics Studies. In the book, Classic Studies of different schools other than Confucianism in Pre-Qin period have been discussed comprehensively. Among Cheng's discussions, he indicates Modi, the founder of the Mohist School, had ever followed Confucians and learnt their Classics and knowledges. However, only part of their ideas was agreed by Modi. This article attempts to elaborate the discussion about the Classics studies of Modi that Cheng has made in his book. Many texts from Shijing, Shujing and Tsunchiu were recorded in the transmitted version of Mozi, but not all of them match the transmitted Confucian Classics. It shows the fact that Modi and his students may not use the same version of Classics that Pre-Qin Confucian studied. Moreover, Confucian see the Classics as a teaching materials in a philosophy way. Different from the Confucian, Mohist use them as evidences to prove historical facts and try to make adjustments on Confucian theories.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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