


From the Aspect of the Zhenguan's Enlightened Administration, How is the "Qunshu Zhiyao" Interpreting the Core Value of the "Laozi"


黃麗頻(Li-Ping Huang)


群書治要 ; 貞觀之治 ; 老子 ; 河上公章句 ; Qunshu Zhiyao ; Zhenguan's Enlightened Administration ; Laozi ; Laozi Ho-Shang Kung Chapters




31期(2020 / 06 / 01)


1 - 31






During the first year of Emperor taitsung's ruling, Emperor taitsung of the Tang dynasty ordered Wei Zhen, Yu Shi-Nan and other scholars to edit the "Qunshu Zhiyao" by selecting ideas within generations of classics. The emperor was satisfied with the book and devoted his time to read it. The chapter 34, the "Laozi", the "Laozi Ho-Shang Kung Chapters" was quoted, providing part of theoretical foundation of the governing of the emperor, which was famous Zhenguan's enlightened administration attributed to. The "Qunshu Zhiyao" is only quoting the content of the "Laozi", yet, the narrative of the editing version of the "Laozi Ho-Shang Kung Chapters" is inevitably changed, presenting the attitude and values of the editors. However, the codification of the "Qunshu Zhiyao" and the political practice of Zhenguan's enlightened administration presented the core thinking of Laozi, a peaceful world. The thesis mainly focuses on the chapter selection and interpretation of the "Laozi" in the "Qunshu Zhiyao". Proofing the chapter 34 ,the "Laozi" of the "Qunshu Zhiyao" not only interact with the development of Study of Laozi in the Tang dynasty, but an evidence of political application of ideal of Laozi, gaining great success.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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