


Return to the Island: the Returning Narratives and the Representation of Beijing in Wo-Chun Chang's Literature after World War II


羅詩雲(Shih-Yun Lo)


張我軍 ; 戰後臺灣 ; 北京 ; 離散 ; 移動 ; Wo-Chun Chang ; Postwar Taiwan ; Beijing ; Diaspora ; Movement




34期(2021 / 12 / 01)


221 - 262






In his life, Wo-chun Chang lived in Taiwan and Mainland China. During his lifetime, which spanned through the Japanese occupation period, the Second World War, and the post-war era, he had always been active in cultural activities. His writings represent the cultural life of the colonial youth and his observation about China. In 1945, he joined the Association of Taiwanese Provincials in Beijing. In June 1946, he returned to Taiwan. His writing after the war primarily comprises political commentaries and essays. Whereas his political commentaries are discourses about government policies, the core of his creation is the travelogues and essays he published in business magazines. In these articles, he wrote about Taiwanese customs and objects, his experiences in China, as well as his disappointment in Taiwan's status quo and his reflection on his old life in Beijing. Therefore, the postwar cultural activities of Chang serve as critical references for understanding wartime China, postwar Taiwan, and the situations of Taiwanese intellectuals returning to Taiwan from Mainland China. His life experience, and the topics and timing of his writing, all reflect the meaning and his observation of the life history of Taiwanese people before and after 1945. Regarding the narrative structure of this paper, it adopted the establishment of the Association of Taiwanese Provincials in Beijing in 1945 as the central axis, and incorporated the daily life Chang portrayed, to represent the life of Chang in early postwar China. Subsequently, this thesis organized Chang's observation of the societies of postwar Beijing and Taiwan, especially his sensual thinking on spatial movement and memory representation. Using postwar Chang as the scope of discussion, this paper reflects the spirit and the narrative in identity before and after intellectuals from excolony returned to Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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