


Wāngyīng "ěryăzhèngmíng" and Huang Kan Criticize Textual Research


莊斐喬(Fei-Chiao Chuang)


汪鎣 ; 《爾雅正名》 ; 黃侃 ; 評點 ; 正變 ; Wang Ying ; ěryăzhèngmíng ; Huang Kan ; Criticism mark ; pursue orthography and change shape




35期(2022 / 06 / 01)


101 - 145






Scholars in the late Qing Dynasty wāngyīng authored by"ěryăzhèngmíng". The book has 19 volumes and 690 articles, mainly focusing on the correctness and wrongness of characters. Huang Kan once personally criticized more than 300 articles of his book, and changed to discuss the orthograph, original meaning and etymology from the relationship between sound and meaning, which can correct the deficiencies of Wang Shu and make up for its deficiencies. Preface by Zhang Tai-yan. Wuhan University press published the book "Huang Kan's Hand Criticism of ěryăzhèngmíng", which is a monograph to verify the textual change of "Erya", which can be reflected back and forth with Yan Yuan-zhao's "Erya Kuangming". The academic circles did not pay attention to this book, so this paper makes a preliminary exploration of Wāngyīng and his "ěryăzhèngmíng". First, the content style of "ěryăzhèngmíng" includes proofreading different texts, correcting mistakes, seeking its orthograph, knowing and clerical change, examine the use of circulation, phonetic notation, explain each other and citation. Secondly, Huang Kan"ěryăzhèngmíng" important items marked by criticism include: correct its errors, delete its improprieties, challenge its doubts, make up for its deficiencies, and be cautious of its choices. Finally, I will comment on the characteristics of "ěryăzhèngmíng", such as pursue orthography and change shape, advocating sinology, and emphasizing "Shuawen", and shortcomings, such as oversimplification, impure style, and neglect of sound training. I hope to elaborate further on Wang Ying, Huang Kan and modern "Er Ya" studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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