


The Torch-Passer of Office No. 9: Prof. Chang Ching-Hui and Her Founding and Legacy of Chinese Verse Literature Studies


游宗蓉(Tsung-Jung Yu)


張敬 ; 張清徽 ; 戲曲 ; 傳奇 ; 俳優體 ; 韻文學 ; Chang Ching ; Chang Ching-Hui ; xiqu ; chuanqi ; paiyou form ; verse literature




35期(2022 / 06 / 01)


239 - 278






The Office No. 9 is Prof. Chang Ching-hui's office at the Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University. Prof. Chang started her teaching at National Taiwan University in 1951 and devoted herself to the study and teaching of Chinese verse literature for over forty years. This article discusses Prof. Chang's achievement in Chinese verse literature studies and focuses on her innovative perspective and influence on later researchers from the following four aspects: "Precursor to the Study of Nanxi Types," "Developer of Approaches to Xiqu Studies," "Creator of Drama Criticism Models," and "Founder of Paiyou Verse Studies." First of all, after Prof. Chang came to Taiwan from mainland China, she paved the way for the study of nanxi types by outlining the characteristics and developments of nanxi, chuanqi, and southern zaju. She provided later researchers with a general understanding of nanxi types and started the investigation into the new change of zaju in the Ming Dynasty particularly with her southern zaju studies. Secondly, the main approach that the early xiqu studies adopted was kaoju or textual criticism along with the study of metrical principles of music and singing. Prof. Chang, however, emphasized that the artistic evaluation of xiqu should depend on their staging and formulated a comprehensive theory about the paichang or mise-en-scène of chuanqi as the standards of evaluation. Consequently, she opened a new stage-based study approach and fostered the development of the mise-en-scène theory of xiqu. Since then, mise-en-scène analysis has become a major method to assess the stage art of xiqu. Next, upholding a critical perspective of the staging quality as the core, Prof. Chang analyzed nanxi and chuanqi masterpieces and thus created the models of critical angles and discourse frameworks that can be followed and used. Lastly, Prof. Chang conducted a series of studies on paiyou verses which analyzed the essential factors and principle of change for the birth of the paiyou form. Furthermore, she examined the paiyou form in poetry, ci, and qu respectively so as to categorize the form and compare their differences. Originated by Prof. Chang, this series of studies and their results have been transformed and applied to different topics of study by later researchers, inspiring new scholarly explorations. With her groundbreaking scope and rigorous scholarship, Prof. Chang and her Chinese verse literature studies have been an academic epitome that brings forth rich nourishment and enlightenment to later researchers.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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