


A Discussion on He Yi-Sun's Article Theories, Articles, and Criticisms and Discussions of Poems and The Verses of Chu from the Aspect of the the Article Study


陳志信(Chih-Hsin Chen)


賀貽孫 ; 文人結社 ; 文章學文化 ; 以古文為時文 ; 中晚明文學批評 ; He Yi-Sun ; the literati formed societies ; culture of the article study ; writing eight-legged articles with classical prose ; literary criticism in middle and late Ming dynasty




37期(2023 / 06 / 01)


1 - 47






The article carries out a study of the person He Yi-Sun (1605-1688) and his activities under the premise of paying attention to the relationship between the literati and the culture of the article study. After sorting out and analyzing relevant literature, we can clearly see that He's learning process with eight-legged articles as its focus was deeply influenced by many factors of the article study's culture. For example, He gained knowledge of literary masters' articles from his father and grandfather, the atmosphere of Yang-Ming school pervaded his hometown Ji-An District, and he directly learned from Fang Ying-Xiang (1561-1628), a well-known scholar of eight-legged articles. These experiences made his learning stay on the right path of studying articles, cultivating qi and Dao, and transmitting articles to later generations. Later, an opportunity of forming a society in Nanchang drew his writing undertaking close to the writing theories of Ai Nan-Ying (1583-1646), an eight-legged article master from Lin-Chuan County. Thus, when discussing eight-legged articles, he raised the banner of "writing eight-legged articles with classical prose" and advocated mastering the charms of literary master's articles. He was also known for being able to master the organizations of various literary masters' articles and integrate charms of his predecessors' articles. In addition, his interest in poetry began with his liking for Chinese opera and later he endeavored to write poems owning to his sorrow for the setbacks in his life. Because of the society formation opportunity, he was also led by Wan Shi-Hua (1590-1639) and other society members to follow Jing-Ling school poets' writing theories and tried to increase greatly his poetic knowledge through criticizing and discussing poems and The Verses of Chu. The phenomenon that his criticisms and discussions contained features of the article study reflects that the article study exerted great influence at that time. In short, He's literary undertaking is indeed a product of the article study's culture and his treatises have become masterpieces that can prove the achievements of this culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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