


Reconstructing an Interpretation Model of the Original "Literary Historiography of Tong-Bian" in Ancient China


顏崑陽(Kun-Yang Yen)


《周易.繫辭傳》 ; 《文心雕龍》 ; 通變 ; 常變 ; 原生性文學史觀 ; 詮釋模型 ; Xici of the Zhouyi ; Wen Xin Diao Long ; tong-bian ; chang-bian ; original literary historiography ; interpretation model




38期(2023 / 12 / 01)


1 - 84






Among different types of "original" literary historiography in ancient China, one of them is the "literary historiography of tong-bian (thorough knowledge and flexible change)" proposed by Liu Xie in his Wen Xin Diao Long (The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons). The term "tong-bian" and its concept originated from a multilayered cosmology in the Xici of the Zhouyi (Zhou Book of Changes). Liu translated the concept of "tong-bian" to literary theory, and the complex theory, which combines four literary elements of creation, reading and criticism, genre, and literary history, was specified particularly in the chapter "Tongbian" of Wen Xin Diao Long. At the same time, such a theory also implies the significance of the first-order "Creative" construction of literary history; and the "literary historiography of tong-bian" is contained right in the consciousness of a writer's literary creation practice. This first-order "literary historiography of tong-bian" can be cross-interpreted with the second-order "Critical" construction of literary history that is implied in the two chapters of "Shixu" and "Zhiyin" in Wen Xin Diao Long; and then, a systematized "interpretation model" of the "literary historiography of tong-bian" can be comprehensively reconstructed and applied to the composition of a History of Chinese Literature for modern Chinese academia. Until now, no scholars in the Chinese academia have accurately and thoroughly interpreted the concept of "tong-bian" in Wen Xin Diao Long. Some have misapprehended "tong-bian" as "restoration of ancient ways," and some others have misunderstood "tong" and "bian" as a relationship of binary dialectical opposition. This article starts from the Xici of the Zhouyi to organize the concept of "tong-bian" and then analyzes in detail the concept of "tong-bian" in the relevant texts from Wen Xin Diao Long so as to interpret the relationship of binary opposition between "chang" (constant) and "bian" (change) correctly. Further still, by interpreting "tong" as keeping "constants" while knowing "changes" and "changes" without the loss of the "constants," we may achieve the perfect effect of literary creation practice as long as we thoroughly understand the evolution of literary genres from ancient times to the present and the future. Accordingly, we may finally reconstruct a systematized "interpretation model" of the "literary historiography of tong-bian."

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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