


The complete thoughts of the five sages: A Historical Investigation of the Follow-up Works of "Reflections on Things at Hand" (Jinsilu)


田富美(Fu-mei, Tien)


近思錄 ; 朱子 ; 程朱理學 ; 理學史 ; 清代學術 ; "Reflections on Things at Hand" ("Jinsilu") ; Zhu Zi ; Cheng-Zhu Confucianism School ; History of Neo-Confucianism ; Qing Dynasty Academic




38期(2023 / 12 / 01)


201 - 243






The compilation of "Reflections on Things at Hand"(Jinsilu) was originally used as an enlightenment book of Neo-Confucianism, and Zhu Xi compared it to a "ladder", which had the meaning of instrumental nature. After a lot of transmission, interpretation and subsequent compilation, "Reflections on Things at Hand"(Jinsilu)" became a complete classic of holy learning. This paper examines the compilation of Zhu Xi's writings in the follow-up writings of "Reflections on Things at Hand"(Jinsilu)".First of all, the intention of compiling Zhu made up for the lack of Zhu Xi's works in the "Reflections on Things at Hand"(Jinsilu), and then deliberately used Zhu's works as the "ladder" of the "Reflections on Things at Hand"(Jinsilu). With the continuous expansion of the selected contents, the outline of Zhu Xue also changed from the instrumental meaning of "ladder" to the full image. Secondly, it shows that each generation compiles Zhu Xi's literature according to the original outline framework of "Reflections on Things at Hand"(Jinsilu), and examines the differences in the quantity of compilation and the content of the selected literature. Taking the "heresy" as an example, it can be seen that the scope of heresy constructed by various Zhu's compilation works has expanded and deepened. Supplementing the category of "heresy" with its auxiliary wing also implies the combination of the meaning of "heresy", which is illustrated by the growth and decline of the selections of "Zhexue" (浙學)and "Luxue"(陸學).

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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