






身心障礙 ; 女性主義 ; 女性主義身心障礙研究 ; disability ; feminism ; feminist disability studies




96期(2012 / 04 / 01)


16 - 24





主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
  1. 卓妙如、潘玉涵、詹沛祺、王秋琪、蔡育倫、吳佳靜、王譽潔(2007)。智能障礙者絕育議題之倫理考量。身心障礙研究,5(3),178-197。
  2. 邱大昕(2007)。男性障礙者勞動邊緣化的陽剛困境。女學學誌,23,71-91。
  3. 潘淑滿(2006)。身心障礙者家庭暴力與性侵害之研究。臺灣社會工作學刊,5,127-159。
  4. 嚴嘉楓、林金定(2009)。智能障礙者女性月經來潮歷程探索:以智能障礙者女性與其主要照顧者之視觀分析。身心障礙研究,7(3),156-181。
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  11. Carlson, Licia(2010).The faces of intellectual disability: Philosophical reflections.Bloomington:Indiana University Press.
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  16. Hall, Kim Q.(2002).Feminism, disability, and embodiment.NWSA,14(3),VII-XIII.
  17. Hall, Kim Q.(Ed.)(2011).Feminist disability studies.IN:Indiana University Press.
  18. Hughes, Bill,McKie, Linda,Hopkins, Debra,Watson, Nick(2005).Love's labours lost? Feminism, the disabled people's movement and an ethic of care.Sociology,39(2),259-275.
  19. Hull, John M.(1990).Touching the rock: An experience of blindness.London:SPCK.
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  22. Keller, Evelyn Fox(1983).A feeling for the organism: The life and work of Barbara McClintock.London:Freeman.
  23. Kleege, Georgina(2005).Blindness and visual culture: An eyewitness account.Journal of Visual Culture,4(2),179-190.
  24. Kleege, Georgina(1999).Sight unseen.New Haven:Yale University Press.
  25. Lloyd, Margaret(2001).The politics of disability and feminism: Discord or synthesis?.Sociology,35(3),715-728.
  26. Lloyd, Margaret(1992).Does she boil eggs? Towards a feminist model of disability.Disability,Handicap & Society,7(3),207-221.
  27. Morris, Jenny(1993).Feminism and disability.Feminist Review,43,57-70.
  28. Morris, Jenny(1992).Personal and political: A feminist perspective on research physical disability.Disability, Handicap & Society,7(2),157-166.
  29. Oliver, Michael(1990).The politics of disablement: A sociological approach.NY:St. Martin's Press, Inc..
  30. Oliver, Michael(1996).Understanding disability: From theory to practice.Basingstoke:Macmillan.
  31. Rohrer, Judy(2005).Toward a full-inclusion feminism: A feminist deployment of disability analysis.Feminist Studies,31(1),34-63.
  32. Schriempf, Alexa(2001).(Re)fusing the amputated body: An interactionist bridge for feminism and disability.Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy,16(4),53-79.
  33. Snyder, Sharon L.(Ed.),Brueggemann, Brenda Jo(Ed.),Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie(Ed.)(2002).Disability studies:enabling the humanities.NY:The Modern Language Association of America.
  34. Thomson, Rosemarie Garland(2001).Re-shaping, re-thinking, re-defining: Feminist disability studies.Washington, D.C.:Center for Women Policy Studies.
  35. Thomson, Rosemarie Garland(1997).Extraordinary bodies: Figuring physical disability in American culture and literature.NY:Columbia University Press.
  36. Thomson, Rosemarie Garland(2002).Integrating disability, transforming feminist theory.NWSA,14(3),1-32.
  37. Thomson, Rosemarie Garland(2005).Feminist disability studies.Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society,30(2),1557-1587.
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  39. Watson, Nick(2002).Well, I know this is going to sound very strange to you, but I don't see myself as a disabled person: Identity and disability.Disability & Society,17(5),509-527.
  40. 王國羽(2010)。臺灣女性障礙者的邊緣地位:從臺灣看女性身心障礙者的處境狀況與現況突破。第二屆「國際接軌‧權利躍進」國際研討會,臺北:
  41. 孫小玉(2012)。失能者的表徵模式、主體論述、與倫理議題。「蕪土吾民」:2012年文化研究會議,臺北:
  1. 郭惠瑜(2020)。障礙與性別的交織:探討小兒麻痺女性母職經驗。女學學誌:婦女與性別研究,46,79-122。
  2. 紀大偉(2022)。悲情身體,治療時間:從台語片贖回視覺障礙歷史。中外文學,51(2),59-96。
  3. 顏芝盈(2021)。庇護工場下的勞動共同體:談南方女性身心障礙勞動者。人文社會科學研究,15(2),19-49。
  4. 鄭永福、張千惠、李昕寧(2014)。我國重度視覺障礙成人在人口學變項之生活品質差異分析。人文社會學報,10(3),175-202。
  5. 莊佩芬(2020)。女性障礙者對地方政策改善經濟與人際關係之建議。身心障礙研究季刊,18(3&4),193-205。
  6. (2015)。我國身心障礙者性權之省思─不再緘默與迴避的身心障礙者的性議題。社區發展季刊,149,81-90。
  7. (2023)。障礙者人身安全與平權──檢視智障者性侵受害實錄與安全措施之文獻。社區發展季刊,184,128-143。
  8. (2024)。「你是外國人嗎?」:台灣聽障者的口音與身份誤認經驗。文化研究,38,57-91。