


The Study on the View of Value toward Work of the Students Who Major in Business Administration and Related Departments of Vocational Colleges




林顯輝(Shean-Huei Lin);黃冠潔(Kuan-Chieh Hung)


技職校院 ; 商管相關學系 ; 工作價值觀 ; Institute of technical ; Business Administration and related departments ; Work value




5卷2期(2008 / 09 / 01)


177 - 214




本研究以技職校院商管相關學系學生為研究對象,其目的在探討商管相關學系之學生對工作價值觀的看法,以作為未來學校辦理教育指引方向及企業界選才之參考。 本研究採用調查問卷實證研究法,對屏東地區六所技職院校商管相關學系學生共發放600份問卷,回收500份,有效回收率佔83.33%,經統計分析結果發現:(1)不同性別之學生在工作價值觀的認知重視程度上,女性對工作價值觀的重視程度高於男性,且具有顯著性差異。(2)不同年級之學生在工作價值觀的重視程度上有顯著性差異,四技學生比二技學生更重視工作價值觀。(3)不同科系之學生對工作價值觀之重視程度雖達顯著差異,但在統計上未具解釋之意義。(4)不同工作經驗之學生對工作價值觀之重視程度沒有顯著差異,均高度認同工作價值之重要性。(5)不同儲蓄習慣之學生對工作價值觀之重視程度未連顯著差異,但均達認同之程度。最後本研究提出五項結論與四項建議,供學校教育學生及企業界了解e世代年輕人想法、選才及經營管理之參考。


The study focuses on the students who major in business administration and related departments of vocational colleges. It aims to investigate the students' views of value toward work. The result of the study can be the guideline for a school to propagate is education in the future as well as the reference for a business enterprise un choosing men of talent. The study is done through questionnaires 600 copies of questionnaires ore sent to the students who major in business administration and related departments of the six vpcational colleges in Pingtung, and 500copies are sent back. The percentage of questionnaire returning is 83.33. After analyzing statistically, the results arc as follows: (1) Concerning gender difference, women pay much more attention to the view of value toward work than men. (2) Concerning grade difference, the fourth-grade students pay more attention to the view of value toward work than the second-grade students. (3) The students who major in different departments have a distinguishing difference in their views of value toward work. However, the difference has no significant meaning in statistics. (4) Concerning the difference of working experiences, there's no significant difference in the view of value toward work. Though their working experiences are different, all the students consider the value of work important. (5) Concerning the difference of savings habit, there's no significant difference in the views of value toward work. All the students sanction the value of work. At last, the study offers five important conclusions and suggestions, which can help a vocational school educate the students, help a business enterprise understand the views of the c-generation, and can be the reference in choosing men of talent and in business management.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
醫藥衛生 > 基礎醫學
醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 外科
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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