


Using the Rough Set Theory to Upgrade Electronic Service Quality of the Internet Cosmetic Grocery Store




胡維萍(Wei-Ping L. Hu);黃素慧(Su-Hui Hwang)


電子化服務品質 ; 約略集 ; 不可辨識關係表 ; 布林代數 ; 可辨識關係函數 ; Electronic Service Quality ; Rough Set ; Indecernibility Relation Table ; Boolean Algebra ; Discernibility Relation Function




6卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


305 - 346




根據台灣雅虎(Yahoo)入口網站2007年統計數據顯示:網路電子商務(e-commerce)與拍賣(Auction)的銷售量中,女性用品的金額佔有30%以上,其中「美妝用品」(Cosmetic and beauty grocery)佔有其中極大的比例,僅次於服飾用品(Clothing and decoration grocery),然而,網路行銷除了增加產品項目、壓低成本及售價、與加快遞送速度之外,提供最佳的電子服務品質給顧客,並能即時回應(Real-time response)顧客的需求,制定相對應提昇品質的決策,是增加消費者滿意度忠誠度的主要因素,但是,在1985年Parasuraman、Zeithaml、Berry [42]等人就已經提出「電子化服務品質」(E-S-QUAL: Electronic Service Quality)模型的研究,即所謂「PZB模型」,並完整地將服務品質相關的因素解構成為22個,以及區分成4個屬性構面,用來描述及涵蓋整電子服務品質的範疇,雖然其中某些因素,已逐漸不合時宜,但仍是提昇電子服務品質的重要參考依據。 因此,本研究運用「約略集」(Rough Set)理論中,適合處理互相矛盾或區分較隱含性資訊的能力,將量測美妝網路商店的22個品質因素,設計成一個「宇集合」(Universe set):U={x1 x2…x22},而其相對應的「效率」(Efficiency)、「系統接受度」(Availability)、「滿足感」(Fulfillment)、「隱和」(Privacy)四個指標則設定為「屬性集合」(Attribute set):A={a1 a2 a3 a4},針對美妝商品網站設計問卷調查(Questionnaire),經統計分析後可建構出所謂的「不可辨識關係表」(Indiscernibility relation table),再藉由「布林代數」(Boolean algebra)的吸收率(Absorption law)與結合率,化簡得出量測各項品質因素的「可辨識關係函數」(Discernibility relation function),做為提昇美妝商品網站電子化服務品質各項行銷決策指標的參考。 至此,本研究設計多套提昇電子化服務品質的決策方案D1,D2,…,D(下標 n)並針(Executive ProPosal),做為本研究的結論;整體相關理論與文獻的搜尋,及推導過程與運算說明,也將於本文中詳細的被探討。


According to the statistical data of the Yahoo entrance website in 2007 at Taiwan, the selling amount of the female grocery was over 30% of the total sale for the electronic commerce and auction business. Except for the clothing and decoration category, the cosmetic and beauty grocery would be the second largest sale among all kinds of electronic commerce product. But the customer's loyalty and satisfaction would not be fulfilled easily by increasing product items, lowering down prices, and speeding up delivering, making decisions to upgrade the electronic service quality would be the key factor. In 1985, Parasuraman Zeithaml Berry [42] proposed the ”PZB model” to describe the electronic service quality (ES-QUAL) that had 22 measured quality factors and 4 dedicated attributes. It would be the important reference to strengthen the electronic service quality level, although some of them were not quietly appropriate for the present electronic business environment. Therefore, the rough set theory would be applied to declare the ambiguity and confliction information within the information system of electronic service quality. Two dimensions would be introduced. The electronic quality measuring factors would be designed as the “Universe set” U = {x1 x2… x22}, and ”efficiency”, ”fulfillment”, ”system availability”, ”privacy” Would build up the ”Attribute set”: A={a1 a2 a3 a4), According to the questionnaire, the indiscernibility relation table would be obtained. Applying the Boolean algebra for the simplification, the simplified discernibility relation functions would be deduced, and could be used for the marketing decision planning. In this research, multiple decisions D1, D2, …, D(subscript n) would be carefully designed that would be called as the ”Decision cluster”, and the reverse mapping process to solve the respective quality factors {x1 x2, … x22} would be presented. The executive proposal of the decision plan Would be acquired. The overall deducing procedure and the literature review would be shown in this paper.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
醫藥衛生 > 基礎醫學
醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 外科
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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