According to the statistical data of the Yahoo entrance website in 2007 at Taiwan, the selling amount of the female grocery was over 30% of the total sale for the electronic commerce and auction business. Except for the clothing and decoration category, the cosmetic and beauty grocery would be the second largest sale among all kinds of electronic commerce product. But the customer's loyalty and satisfaction would not be fulfilled easily by increasing product items, lowering down prices, and speeding up delivering, making decisions to upgrade the electronic service quality would be the key factor. In 1985, Parasuraman Zeithaml Berry [42] proposed the ”PZB model” to describe the electronic service quality (ES-QUAL) that had 22 measured quality factors and 4 dedicated attributes. It would be the important reference to strengthen the electronic service quality level, although some of them were not quietly appropriate for the present electronic business environment.
Therefore, the rough set theory would be applied to declare the ambiguity and confliction information within the information system of electronic service quality. Two dimensions would be introduced. The electronic quality measuring factors would be designed as the “Universe set” U = {x1 x2… x22}, and ”efficiency”, ”fulfillment”, ”system availability”, ”privacy” Would build up the ”Attribute set”: A={a1 a2 a3 a4), According to the questionnaire, the indiscernibility relation table would be obtained. Applying the Boolean algebra for the simplification, the simplified discernibility relation functions would be deduced, and could be used for the marketing decision planning.
In this research, multiple decisions D1, D2, …, D(subscript n) would be carefully designed that would be called as the ”Decision cluster”, and the reverse mapping process to solve the respective quality factors {x1 x2, … x22} would be presented. The executive proposal of the decision plan Would be acquired. The overall deducing procedure and the literature review would be shown in this paper.
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