The basic concept of Laser medical cosmetology is to utilize high-energy laser beam to penetrate the skin surface, and ”burning” the pigment particle inside. The skin itself would absorb and metabolize the pigment, and achieve the effect of removing specks. In this paper, the modified decision algorithm of the rough set theory would be applied to upgrade the diagnosis quality of Laser medical cosmetology.
In this research, laser treatment programs and related skin conditions would be collected and used to build up the universe and the attribute of the rough set. By means of surveying Medical cosmetic centers and investigating websites information, the indiscernibility relation table could be facilitated, and discernibility classification functions would be simplified by applying Boolean algebra. Simplified discernibility functions would be deduced from the discernibility classification matrix. According to the rough classification, the core and the reduct attributes would be separated, and the skin condition database would be defined. Therefore, the optimal treatment program could be located for the specific skin condition..
Based on the skin condition attribute database, the requirement of the designated customer could be transformed as the new decision of the rough set, and the average 2nd norm would be introduced to find out the distance between the treatment program and the customer’s need. The smallest distance would be the most appropriate treatment program for the designated customer. An experimental case would be discussed, and the feasibility and precision of this method would be examined. The overall analysis procedure would be discussed, and the new perspective of upgrading the diagnosis quality of the laser medical cosmetology would be provided in this paper.
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