


A Study on the Career Barriers and Solve Strategies of the Hairdressers under the Different Sex






美髮從業人員 ; 生涯阻礙 ; 因應策略 ; Hairdressers ; Career Barriers ; Solve Strategies




7卷2期(2010 / 06 / 01)


163 - 182




本研究旨在探求不同背景下,美髮從業人員之生涯阻礙因素及採行的因應策略之實際情形及差異。本研究採問卷調查法,以台灣南區連鎖美髮院之美髮從業人員為調查對象,有效樣本數為456人。本研究結論包括美髮從業人員畝女性、年齡20~30歲、擔任美髮助理、工作年資平均一至五年且未婚者居多;其生涯阻礙因素以「多重角色」及「工作環境」最多,因應面則多採用「尋求支持」及「問題解決」的方式處理。不同性別之人員在「多重角色」量表得分有顯著差異,女性的阻礙高過於男性。不同婚姻狀況之人員在「尋求支持」量表上的得分有顯著差異,已婚者的因應策略較為正向積極。美髮從業人員因人力不可避免之因素而產生倦怠,但卻漠視探取適當的因應策略;生涯阻礙與因應策略二者問有負相關存在,當「個人條件」及「工作環境」阻礙越大時較易採「尋求支持」的方式處理。 最後本研究提出數點建議,期盼美髮從業人員藉以強化自身的生涯規劃意願,且翼望相關單位可以擬定輔導計畫,以提高美髮從業人員之專業素質、提升其社會地位及留任意願。


This study was aimed at exploring the career barriers and the solve strategies of the hairdressers in Southern Taiwan. The survey research was applied in this study. The total samples are 456. The survey results were as follows: Most of the hairdressers were female employees, the average age of hairdressers was between 20 to 30 years old and they were usually employed as assistants, their working experience was below five years. Most of the hairdressers are single. The major career barriers which hairdressers encountered were ”multiple roles” and ”working environments”. The coping strategies adopted by most hairdressers were ”supports seeking” and ”problem solving”. The gender difference is significant in ”multiple roles”. Female hairdressers are facing higher career barriers than male hairdressers. The marriage difference was also significant in the measure index of ”supports seeking”, the married hairdressers use positive coping strategies. Due to some inevitable factors, hairdressers may feel tired of their work and neglect the coping strategies for solving their career barriers. Data analysis results indicate that there is a negative correlation between career barriers and coping strategies. When hairdressers had higher barriers in ”personal quality” arid ”working environment”, they tended to deal with the barrier by using ”supports seeking” as a solve strategy. It is hoped that the hairdressers could strengthen their willingness to organize their career plans. Furthermore, we suggest that governmental agencies could engage some counseling plans to improve hairdressers' professional skills and upgrade their social status.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
醫藥衛生 > 基礎醫學
醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 外科
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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