


The Discussion about How the Writer of "The Palace of Eternal Youth" Employed the Poems of Tang Dynasty to Describe the Love Story about Li Long-ji and Yang Yu-huan in the Libretto




陳富容(Fu-Jung Chen)


洪昇 ; 長生殿 ; 唐玄宗 ; 楊貴妃 ; Hong Sheng ; The palace of Eternal Youth ; Li Long-ji ; Yang Yu-huan




36期(2006 / 03 / 01)


241 - 264




《長生殿》是清代著名劇作家洪昇的得意之作,此劇一出,曾造成「梨園子弟,傳相搬演」的盛況,甚至被譽為「一部鬧熱的《牡丹亭》」,在戲曲史上的地位極高。而造就此劇成功的因素,便在於它的文辭創作上。 洪昇《長生殿》的文辭創作不僅意境高,而且皆合律可歌,是詞情與聲情兼美的作品。在他的文辭創作中有顯著的一個特色,即為善於在文辭中融化古典詩詞,而其所化用的古典詩詞中,則以唐代詩人以「李楊情事」為主題所創作的詩句最為常見。不論是曲文、賓白、上下場詩的化用,甚至是關目的點染,皆能使其於詞意及格律上融合無間,不見絲毫勉強之跡,巧妙的完成詩詞曲白之間的文體轉換。本文即探索其融合唐代「李楊情事詩」之跡,並尋找其於戲曲文學中,具代表性的典型意義。


”The palace of Eternal Youth” is the best libretto of Hong Sheng who is famous in Ging Dynasty. When the libretto was written, allof the performers wanted to show it. And it gained reputation of cheerful ”Muu-dan Tyng”. ”The palace of Eternal Youth” became very famous in the traditional China drama. The successful element is it's phraseology. About the phraseology of ”The palace of Eternal Youth” it doesn”t only have great artistic conception, but also conforms the rules and forms of classical poetic composition. Especially, it is also excellences in meaning and melody. There is a feature in it's phraseology that is good at application to traditional poetry. The most of poetry that he used is about the love story of Li Long-ji and Yang Yu-huan. In the libretto, the phraseology quoting the traditional poetry which including the lyrics of the song, the spoken part of an opera and the poems that the role read when he appear or exit is excellent. This article will discussion about how the writer of ”The palace of Eternal Youth” employed the poems of Tang Dynasty to describe the love story about Li Long-ji and Yang Yu-huan in the libretto, and find out it's impotant meanings in the traditional China drama.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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