


The Influence of Zen on the Aesthetics of the Poetry of the Tang Dynasty




邱湘雲(Shiang-Yun Chiu)


唐代詩歌 ; 美學 ; 禪 ; poetry of Tang Dynasty ; aesthetic ; Zen




37期(2006 / 09 / 01)


223 - 259




「禪宗」大顯於唐朝,「詩歌」也大盛於唐朝,禪學與詩學交會於一時,進而又激發出「美學」的火花。「禪」與「詩」所追求的境界之美有許多相通之處,例如重「直觀」、重「妙悟」、重在「不言而喻」等。「禪」的道理深奥渺遠,藉由詩歌形式寫成「禪詩」,其禪理得以表達盡致;「詩」則追求鮮明意象,不少詩歌因「禪」學思想的加入而大大提升了意象境界。唐代著名詩人幾乎都曾與禪宗交涉過,而且不管是在詩歌創作或詩歌理論上都表現出對「意境」的重視,詩歌「意境」說的形成就是受禪宗思想啟迪而來。 本文探討「禪學對唐代詩歌美學的影響」,「前言」之後,先述唐代詩、禪交涉的情形,並探討其時代因素,次論佛教對唐代美學的啟示,而後尋繹禪學與美學相通的命題,由此先概括了解禪學與詩歌美學的關係,最後再探討在此禪風影響下,唐代詩歌中所展現的禪學之美,這些表現可歸納為:(一)禪理之美、(二)禪境之美、(三)禪趣之美及(四)禪味之美四部分。 詩人元好問曾說:「詩為禪客添花錦,禪為詩家切玉刀」,因為「詩」,使得禪家有一更好的表現形式;因為「禪」,使得詩歌更富深刻意涵,更具高遠意境,唐代「禪宗美學」和「詩歌美學」互通互融,詩、禪一味,箇中之美深值吾人細細去品味。


Zen Buddhism and poetry were both prosperous in Tang Dynasty; in that time, they integrated and then fired up the sparkle of aesthetics. Zen and poetry had much in common in the pursuit of the beauty of artistic conceptions. Zen was so profound and vague that it could be only understood by the expression of Zen poetry. Since Tang poetry explored vivid images, a great number of poems were enriched in the aspect of images through incorporating themselves with Zen. Nearly all famous Tang poets had the experience of studying Zen, and expressed their emphasis on artistic conceptions whatever in the composition or theories of poetry. Therefore, the theory of artistic conceptions resulted from the enlightenment of Zen. This article explores the influence of Zen on the aesthetics of Tang poetry. After the preface, I discuss the Buddhism enlightenment of Tang aesthetics, then the age elements of the incorporation of Zen and poetics, and last the topics of the communication between Zen and aesthetics. By means of this, I summarize the relations between Zen and the aesthetics of poetry, and then explore the beauty of Zen in Tang poetry. In this article I shall sum up the expression of Zen in Tang poetry into four parts-the aesthetics of Zen logic, the aesthetics of Zen artistic conceptions, the aesthetics of Zen delight, and the aesthetics of Zen taste, which are explained with examples. Zen was much better expressed through the form of poetry. In return, Tang poetry contained more profound connotations and artistic conceptions. In Tang dynasty, the Zen aesthetics and poetry aesthetics incorporated each other, as is worth our appreciation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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