


Studies on the Origin of Thoughts and Main Themes of Popular Books of Exhortation for Good Deeds Based on Fictions of the Tang Dynasty




黃東陽(Tung-Yang Huang)


勸善書善書 ; 唐代 ; 志怪小說 ; 應驗記 ; 唐代小說 ; Books of exhortation for good deeds ; Tang Dynasty ; Occult tale ; Records of miraculous responses ; Fictions of the Tang Dynasty




38期(2007 / 03 / 01)


73 - 97






Although books of exhortation for good deeds were popular in the Song Dynasty, the thoughts were already expressed concretely in the fictions of the Tang Dynasty. These fictions were used in this study to investigate the formation of thoughts of books of exhortation before the Song Dynasty and their main themes, so that we can have an in depth understanding and perception of these books of exhortation which had a profound influence on the folk religions. We know the development of the thoughts was based on what people would expect of a virtuous society. Therefore, there was a common consensus of encouraging good deeds and upbraiding criminal acts. The union of the concept that one inevitably reaps what he sows and the belief of predestination took place as early as the Han Dynasty. This combined concept formed the principle of belief that taught the general public they must do good deeds and stay away from the evildoing. Although this development was influenced by the doctrines of Buddhism and Taoism that expanded the definitions of virtue and vice and the principle of retribution, in practice, the social value was still used to judge between good and evil. Thus the prerequisite of a religious conversion in these Buddhist and Taoist fictions as the criterion for the act of retribution of virtue and vice was denied and it further manifested the independence of its principle of practice and the judgment of value. Therefore, the essence of books of exhortation for good deeds of the Tang Dynasty had strong social characteristics and was in accordance with the Confucian spirit of confronting the mundane affairs. It further strived for the continuous execution and completion of the standards of human life. After studying the main themes of these fictions of exhortation for good deeds of the Tang Dynasty, we can consider this period as the brewing stage of the concept and books of exhortation for good deeds. It passed on and exalted the spirit of exhortation of the traditional thoughts, thus further inspired the development of the system of books of exhortation for good deeds in later dynasties.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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