


A Comparative Study on Refusals between Male and Female: Using Tainan Residents as an Example




高婉瑜(Wan-Yu Kao)


拒絕 ; 言語行為 ; 性別 ; 威脅面子行為 ; 語境 ; refusal ; speech act ; gender ; face-threatening act ; context




42期(2009 / 03 / 01)


143 - 170




本文探討在較大的社會距離下,兩性的拒絕行爲及其差異性。我們利用電話訪問方式,蒐集台南市民眾拒訪的回應。調查發現兩性的拒絕策略、話輪轉換、拒絕模式顯出差異。 面對陌生人的打攪,男性和女性多選擇「打斷話輪」表示拒絕。結合策略和模式來看,女性通常比較注意禮節,以「說具體理由」和「道歉」的策略來緩和氣氛,多採用「重複間接模式」。多數男性亦注意禮節,用的策略是「說空泛的理由」,1/4強的男性採「單次間接模式」,維護說話自主權。


The purpose of this study is to observe the refusal behaviors and differences between the male and female from a great distance. The researcher collected refusals of residents in Tainan using a telephone survey. It was found that the differences of refusals between the two groups were strategies, turn-construction transition, and methods. When a stranger telephoned, male and female refusal was usually an interruption. When strategies and methods were considered, females were usually more polite than males. Females relaxed the speaking circumstance with specific reasons, apologies, and a repeated-indirect method. Many males were also polite, but their strategy was a general reason. Over 25 percent of the males defended the right to speaking with the single-indirect method.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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