


Geographical Movement to a Continent and the Formation of Imperial Subjectivity




鄭鍾賢(Jong-Hyun Jeong);曾韻霜(Yun-Shuang Tzeng)


帝國主體性 ; 內鮮一體論 ; 擬似-帝國主義 ; 地理移動 ; Sino-Japanese War ; continent ; people ; movement ; trip to war front ; imperial subjectivity




45期(2010 / 12 / 01)


63 - 86




本文主要以朝鮮知識份子探索朝鮮民族主體性的行動與地理移動兩者來說明。首先要探討的是,在中日戰爭後所形成的「內鮮一體論」,朝鮮文人特殊的談論方式以及在文章層面中所呈現的樣態,在此擬定義為以「殖民地-帝國」為背景所追求的「擬似-帝國主義」,並將該時期的新主體性納入帝國主體性(imperial subjectivity)的範疇裡。「帝國主體性」是殖民地主要的周邊特性,它包含了動搖以及分裂的意識,而它也是一種擬似-帝國主義與殖民地模仿意識任意相互銜接的概念。朝鮮的知識份子於中日戰爭後,在日本帝國所宣傳的「普遍主義」的假象(Schein)當中,為轉變成帝國主體(colonizer)而形成了一種新的主體性。在這個轉變的過程當中,若要完整地瞭解擬似-帝國主義,就先要先分析探討當代文學中對帝國主體的誘惑與被殖民身份的覺醒所產生動搖與分裂的作品。而本文所要探討的是,殖民地文人的意識據點往中國大陸移動的情形,並發現當時文人作品的普遍意象幾乎毫無意外地、露骨地呈現對擬似-帝國主義的企圖心,同時也逐漸瓦解殖民地人民的分裂意識。


This study is an attempt to explain the connecting logic of subjectivization in colonial intellects Joseon following the Sino-Japanese war, and the subsequent broadening effect the war had on it. The space called the continent, which the Japanese nation had newly acquired after the Sino-Japanese war, provided people in Joseon with the illusion of being able to remove the unequal relationship between the colony and the empire in the past. A group of colonial intellects took a strategy to try to acquire a constitutional unit inside the Japanese nation, which stood for a multi-national country. At the some time they wished to positively exclusively possess the ruling ideology of the empire, which was linked with Joseon such as the 'theory of Naeseonilche (內鮮一體)' and the 'theory of Dongahyeopdongche (東亞協同體)', which appeared following the Sino-Japanese war. The logic of subjectivization for the people of Joseon, who seemed to have fair post-colonial liberation from the colony, erupted into an imperial desire when being combined with a place called continent. This writing focuses attention on the experience of the battle line in the Hwanggun (皇軍) encouragement delegation, and to the rhetoric and cognitive characteristics in ”Trip to War Front” by Park Yeong-hui and ”Collection of Poems on the Battle Line” by Im Hak-su. A problem with the ”pro-Japanese trend” in the so-called colonially literary circles, which was proceeded by cooperation with a system suggesting the possibility of subjectivization, was based on a fantasy of being able to acquire constitutional and political sovereignty in the Joseon society under a multi-national country. An opportunity, generalized by a sense that had a play in this factor. However, it necessay to consider the fact that this sense of liberation, which is seen to be fair from the position of the colonial people in Joseon, was another expression of pseudo-Imperialism, which was secured by joining the invasion into the continent. In the background of logic for subjectivization of people in Joseon following the Sino-Japanese war, two faces of Janus, the liberation of post-colonialism and the colonialism coexisted in this way.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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