


Self-portrait of Mixed-blood: The Boundary of Colony/Empire and Its Memory




朴光賢(Kwang-Hyoun Park);陳慶智(Qing-Zhi Chen)


混血 ; 主體的均質性 ; 記憶 ; mixed-blood ; homogeneity of ethnicity ; colonial Korean literature ; Zainichi Koreans




45期(2010 / 12 / 01)


87 - 106




近代的「國民」,主要是透過血、語言還有場所的同化而被想像。雖然其中所謂血的同化首先意味著血緣的束縛,但如果觀察它文學性重現的方式,一般來說大多可以擴張到對於同一語言與文化的同化層次。執著於血的同一性/基於血緣的文化同一性,或是將兩者等價化的思考,因為這對於在一定界線內使用同一語言的集團來說,反而會覺得自由,所以並不會被政治化。相反的,對於從支配社會/日本(人)社會自行與日本人區別而生活的「在日」韓國人來說,在日常生活中顯示出血的同一性,就已經可以說是政治性了。那也是在那個社會中用來查明自身存在的方法。與那同時,他們的文學在被日本社會,確切地說應該是在被「國境」逼迫下的東亞社會裡,丟出了為何要存在的問題與回答。 從殖民支配中解放的朝鮮半島之混血,在回憶過去殖民地經驗的痛苦記憶同時,他們的存在,還持續被〈現在/這裡〉的純血社會神話這一多數默認的暴力所摒除在外。


The concept of the nationalist is imagined by three major elements: consanguinity, language, and geopolitics. It is without hindrance and political issues to connect the identity of consanguinity and the identity of culture together when it comes to a homogeneous ethnic group; however, it could be a political issue when emphasizing the identity of consanguinity when it comes to those Zainichi Koreans (在日韓国人) who separated themselves from Japanese society. This essay focuses on two points: the forgotten ”mixed-blood” issue of the time when the nationalist/nation border was still ambiguous, and the nihilistic self-portrait around the ambiguous nationalist/nation border. Via Ahn Hoe-nam's Island, Yeom Sang-seop's Son of Liberation, and Tachihara Masaaki's Tsurugigasaki (剣ヶ崎), this essay tries to demonstrat how these novels portray ”mixed-blood.” In Ahn's Island, the hero, Mr. Park, has to return to a pure-blood society and forget about his Japanese wife and son when under the pressure of a pure-blood society. Ahn uses a more prior factor-ethnicity-to build self-assimilation, thus presenting the homogeneity of ethnic identity. Also, Yeom's Son of Liberation shows how pure-blood society presents its unilateral sympathy toward mixed-bloods. This novel also discusses the relationship between reborn/newborn and the form of an ethnic group, while discovering the origins of ethnicity and nationality. Further, Tachihara's Tsurugigasaki relates the tragic life of mixed-bloods in Japanese society after the defeat of Japan and, in this work, Tachihara tries to show self-liberation via the selection of ”nationality.” Under the influence of the pure-blood ”myth,” the pure-blood society unintentionally enacts violence and neglect on the mixed-bloods. It is not merely an issue of borders; instead, it is the presentation of an ethnical attitude toward a borders.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 圖書資訊學
人文學 > 歷史學
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